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Have you checked out my FREE E-book? With over 100 tips and strategies to help set up your classroom for success, this E-book can help ensure you prepare your classroom for students who learn and engage differently. Neurodiversity should be celebrated, and this book will help maximise the abilities of your students, as well as helping reduce behaviour!

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Teacher Assistants Big Red Book of Ideas

| by Sue Larkey & Anna Tullemans | Hundreds of ideas you can try. Setting up the classroom, the role of the teacher assistant, behaviour in the classroom and playground, stages of anxiety, transition, sensory toys and activities. Includes frequently asked questions and MORE!

Teacher Assistants Big Blue Book of Ideas

| by Sue Larkey & Anna Tullemans | Companion to the Teacher Assistants Big Red Book of Ideas. Hundreds of new strategies to try. Social skills: playgrounds, friendships, building self esteem, bullying. In the classroom: getting on task, adapting tasks and exams, building independence. Managing anxiety and behaviour.

The Kids' Guide to Getting Your Words on Paper

| by Lauren Brukner | Does your hand ache when you write? Packed with fun and simple ideas to help kids feel good about writing, this handwriting book with a difference helps children embed the strength and skills they need to get the most out of their written work, at home and school! Armed with the strategies and exercises in this book, kids will be well on their way to writing with greater ease, and the positive self-esteem that goes along with that. Suitable for children with writing difficulties aged approximately 7 to 12.

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Can I tell you about Pathological Demand Avoidance syndrome?

| by Ruth Fidler and Phil Christie | Meet Issy - an 11-year-old girl with Pathological Demand Avoidance syndrome (PDA), a condition on the autism spectrum. Issy invites readers to learn about PDA from her perspective, helping them to understand how simple, everyday demands can cause her great anxiety and stress.

This illustrated book is for readers aged 7 and upwards, and will be an excellent way to increase understanding about PDA in the classroom or at home. It also includes practical tips and recommended resources for parents and professionals.

Super Shamlal - Living and Learning with Pathological Demand Avoidance 

Super Shamlal - Living and Learning with Pathological Demand Avoidance | by K.I. Al-Ghani | Shamlal the Camel finds it almost impossible to do all the normal, everyday things that the other camels do. Her first word was 'NO!' and this is still the word she repeats the most through every day. Luckily, Shamlal's parents take her to a psychologist who explains that she has PDA, and gives her tips for how to live and learn with the syndrome.

Behaviour Solutions for the Inclusive Classroom

| by Beth Aune, Beth Burt & Peter Gennaro | This book is a must-have for every special needs and inclusive classroom. The easy to use format allows teachers to quickly look up an in-the-moment solution and learn about what the child is communicating, and why. This book illuminates possible causes of those mysterious behaviours, and more importantly, provides solutions!

Practical Communication Programmes

| by Jo Adkins & Sue Larkey | Communication is the biggest area of skill deficits in nearly all children on the autism spectrum - whether it is little to no verbalisation, social skills or simply understanding spoken language. This book offers hundreds of ideas and strategies to improve communication skills - including picture exchange, teaching literacy skills, and emotions. It includes activities and resources you can photocopy.

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Have you checked out my FREE E-book? With over 100 tips and strategies to help set up your classroom for success, this E-book can help ensure you prepare your classroom for students who learn and engage differently. Neurodiversity should be celebrated, and this book will help maximise the abilities of your students, as well as helping reduce behaviour!