Books to Help with Toileting:

From: $29.95

Have you checked out my FREE E-book? With over 100 tips and strategies to help set up your classroom for success, this E-book can help ensure you prepare your classroom for students who learn and engage differently. Neurodiversity should be celebrated, and this book will help maximise the abilities of your students, as well as helping reduce behaviour!

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Tips for Toileting

| by Jo Adkins & Sue Larkey | A guide for parents and professionals toilet training children with an autism spectrum disorder. Contents include: When to start toilet training, getting started, the use of rewards, techniques, dealing with accidents, sensory issues, bowel motions, generalising, night time training, frequently asked questions, pages of visuals all ready for you to cut out and use! And lots more! 60 pages of helpful hints and ideas.

The Early Years: The Foundations For All Learning

| by Sue Larkey & Gay von Ess | This book is full of practical ideas to give children with an ASD and other developmental delays the KEYS to learning. Teaching to play, write, draw, imitate etc. Toilet training, community access, etc. To sit, ask for help, wait, play, attention to task, sign songs, etc. Great easy to photocopy programmes.

Sue Larkey's MEGA BOOK of Timesavers, Tips & Strategies for Busy and Complex Classrooms

A MEGA book full of my most Popular Blogs, Tip Sheets and more in one easy to use reference! This book is for all ages and stages, for teaching neurodiverse students including Autism Spectrum, ADHD, ODD, PDA and more!

Includes index to quickly look up Topic & Tips, as well as ideas for all parts of teaching and looking after neurodiverse children.ย 142 pages of Strategies & Tips at YOUR Fingertips.

The Ultimate Guide to School and Home

| by Sue Larkey and Anna Tullemans | This book provides key strategies for all ages and stages. It offers over 500 practical strategies and timer savers for school and home from engaging disengaged students, what to do if you don't have a teacher assistant to considerations for setting up a classroom for teachers; and from developing friends, to moving house and choosing a school for families. It is the ultimate guide for teachers, parents and all professionals supporting children with autism spectrum disorder, including Aspergers, ADD, ADHD, ODD and other developmental delays.

Content pages below.

Practical Sensory Programmes

| by Sue Larkey | This book is designed for families and schools to incorporate sensory activities into the home and school in order to address the significant difficulties students with an ASD often encounter. It shows how to identify sensory problems and develop programmes. Over 100 activities including all five senses and movement.

Practical Communication Programmes

| by Jo Adkins & Sue Larkey | Communication is the biggest area of skill deficits in nearly all children on the autism spectrum - whether it is little to no verbalisation, social skills or simply understanding spoken language. This book offers hundreds of ideas and strategies to improve communication skills - including picture exchange, teaching literacy skills, and emotions. It includes activities and resources you can photocopy.

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Have you checked out my FREE E-book? With over 100 tips and strategies to help set up your classroom for success, this E-book can help ensure you prepare your classroom for students who learn and engage differently. Neurodiversity should be celebrated, and this book will help maximise the abilities of your students, as well as helping reduce behaviour!