Sue Larkey Blog

Helping you “Make a Difference”

Tips, Strategies, Time Savers and Inspiration to help make difference for a child with an ASD in your class, home or community.

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Sensory Timers

  Neurodiverse students, especially those with autism or ADHD, often face challenges with time management, which can heighten anxiety in classroom settings. Time management is not just about tracking time; it also helps alleviate anxiety by providing structure. For many, uncertainty about how much time remains to complete a task or when an event will occur can lead to increased stress. Schools can help reduce this anxiety by offering clear, consistent access to time through digital clocks, timers, or visual schedules—tools proven to foster flexibility, reduce stress, and improve focus. Without such accommodations, students may frequently interrupt lessons, seeking reassurance about the time or what happens next. This is particularly problematic when phones, which some rely on for timekeeping, are banned in schools. By offering students tools like visible clocks, sensory timers, or scheduled visual aids, schools can help them manage their time more effectively. These adjustments...

Regulation of Emotion: A Teachers Guide (Episode 269)

Behaviour Solutions for Kids is a great way to help children with Autism, ADHD, ODD, and all other neurodiversity. By understanding behaviour and putting in place strategies to help children regulate their emotions, you can help them cope with meltdowns and shutdowns. Proactive and reactive strategies can be used to help children learn how to self-regulate and choose their battles. With the right tools and strategies, you can help children with behaviour issues find solutions that work for them. It's never too late to start helping children with behaviour issues, and the rewards are worth it.

Picture showing child having a problem regulating their emotionsl

Starting School for Neurodiverse Students – Top Tips (Episode 268 )

Starting school for neurodiverse STUDENTS Top Tips for teachers & Carers Starting School for Neurodiverse Students also includes changing teachers, changing year levels, changing primary to high school and moreDiscussed in this Episode: ✅ Preparing neurodiverse children for the transition from early childhood to primary school ✅ Teaching essential practical and social skills for school readiness ✅ Addressing sensory and motor skill challenges in the school environment ✅ Importance of explicit instruction for social interactions and school routines ✅ Strategies for managing separation anxiety and new school experiencesby Sue Larkey, B Spec Ed, Ma Spec Ed A key role at Western Autistic School in Melbourne, facilitated the integration of students with autism into mainstream primary schools. Her responsibilities included initial planning and ongoing support to ensure smooth transitions and successful inclusion. The podcast ‘Sue Larkey’ has over 1.3 million downloads Sue Podcast is...

Episode 267: Top Tips for Early Childhood Educators – Where to start and what to do

Top Tips for Early Childhood Educators - Where to start and what to do Teaching Strategies for Neurodiverse StudentsWhen working with any child with ASD it is critically important that the programme implemented is realistic, both for the child and for the family. By realistic I mean setting everyone up for (achievable) success and that everyone across all environments has the time to implement it. I believe the best way to create a realistic programme is to only address one or two ideas at any one time. I recommend in the early years you always have visuals of the goals you are working on in a prominent place (e.g. fridge or preschool office) so ALL people engaging with the child know the week’s two goals. Over the years I have found by displaying the goals ensures consistency and everyone creating opportunities to reinforce the goal. As children with autism spectrum disorders are highly individual, not all strategies may work with every child. If you find this to be the case,...

Episode 266: Helping PDA Teens Thrive: A Guide for Parents & Educators

Helping PDA Teens Thrive: A Guide for Parents & Educators Helping PDA Teens Thrive  Strategies for Teaching PDA Students✅  Show genuine interest in a teen's interests without an agenda✅  Use the "GPS" approach: stay calm and redirect without reacting to anger✅  Offer choices and suggestions rather than direct commands✅  Provide "get out" options for social situations to reduce anxiety✅  Use various communication methods (e.g., Zoom, email, voice notes) to accommodate preferences✅  Create a safe space for honest feedback and expression✅  Avoid making assumptions based on past behaviors or interests✅  Stay steady and consistent in your support, even when faced with challenging behaviors✅ Recognize and respect the need for autonomy in PDA teens✅  Educate extended family and professionals about PDA to create a supportive networkPathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) in the Classroom: Understanding and Teacher Strategies for EducatorsDownload 'Laura Kerbey's 10 top tips for supporting...

Episode 265 – Getting Your Neurodiverse Student Ready for Secondary School – Your Transition Guide

Transition from Primary to Secondary School    This Weeks Podcast is an interview with the Joan Shanahan: Joan  has been involved in education all her life and experienced from early childhood to tertiary. She finally worked as a consultant in 24 schools  in northern NSW before moving to  the Sunshine Coast and establishing her business Behaviour Solutions 247. She brings to this Podcast over 20 years of experience in developing transition plans for students moving from primary to secondary school. Discussed in this Podcast: ✅ When to Start Transition ✅ How Long should you do Transition ✅ Must Do for successful Transition ✅ Ideal to Do as part of Planning ✅ Extra Ideas to support Transition ✅ What do to if Transition wasn’t Successful ✅ Plus information on Vaping, Catching the Bus and more More Tips and Information from Joan Shanahan  1. Must doThese are the MUST DO for Transition to Secondary School: Visit the school...

Episode 264: Teacher Assistants Toolkit: A Comprehensive Guide to Supporting Neurodiverse Students

Teacher Assistants Toolkit: A Comprehensive Guide to Supporting Neurodiverse StudentsTeacher Assistant Neurodiverse SupportDiscussed in this Podcast: ✅ Implement a "you have a go, then I'll have a go" approach to encourage student independence ✅ Use visual cues like highlighters to break down tasks into manageable parts ✅ Teach coping strategies such as deep breathing or offering choices for self-regulation ✅ Create a cup system (green, yellow, red) for students to signal their need for help ✅ Utilize students' special interests (e.g., number plates) to engage them in learning activities ✅ Encourage peer support by teaching students to ask classmates for help before turning to adults ✅ Provide preventative breaks and movement activities throughout the day ✅ Use timers to manage student expectations when waiting for teacher assistance ✅ Implement a "see two, then see me" policy to promote problem-solving skills ✅ Adapt support strategies based on the time of day when students are...

Episode 263: Teacher Assistant Q & A : Addressing Common Challenges for Teacher Assistants

Teacher Assistant Q & A :Addressing Common Challenges for Teacher Assistants Teacher Assistant Addressing ChallengesAlthough this is questions from Teacher Assistants, I think you will find this Podcast full of tips and strategies for School & Home too Discussed in this Podcast: ✅ How to help students who don’t like making mistakes ✅ How to help students who don’t like to lose a game ✅How to ensure you are not “helping” too much when supporting a student ✅How to help an absconder? ✅How to help students who “shutdown” ✅How to accommodate a student who is stamping his feet as a stim? ✅How to assist a student with dysgraphia, with no technology at all ✅How to work with teachers and be collaborative? ✅How to help staff and students understand PDA? ✅How to support non-verbal children communicate? And so much more  CELEBRATE TEACHER ASSISTANT APPRECIATION WEEK I have a special week planned for our TAs/Angels Nominate an Angel or Team here to win Flowers sent to the school....

Episode 262: Putting Pencil to Paper: Overcoming Handwriting Hurdles for Students with Autism & ADHD

Putting Pencil to Paper: Overcoming Handwriting Hurdles for Students with Autism & ADHD handwriting strategies for autismDiscussed in this episode In this podcast Sue discusses  ✅ Understanding the Unique Challenges of Handwriting for Students on the Spectrum ✅ Building Fine Motor Strength and Coordination Through Play ✅ Simple Classroom Accommodations to Support Handwriting ✅ Modifying Writing Tasks to Boost Confidence and Engagement ✅ When Typing May Be the Answer: Bridging the Gap with Technology Learn Handwriting tips for Students with Autism Today!RECOMMENDED RESOURCES BY OCCUPATIONAL THERAPISTSDOWNLOAD FREE PAMPHLET FOR MORERECOMMENDED...

Autism Handwriting Skills

Episode 261: What Clinical Psychologist Danuta Wishes People Knew About Girls On The Spectrum

Helping Autistic Girls Thrive in School: Insights for Educators  Supporting Neurodivergent Girls in SchoolLearn about Girls on the Autism Spectrum Today!Discussed in this Episode: ✅ Use books like "I Am An Autistic Girl" to help explain autism to girls after diagnosis ✅ Create opportunities for downtime at school to help autistic girls recharge ✅ Facilitate structured social interactions, like Lego challenges, during breaks ✅ Be aware of perfectionism and fear of mistakes in autistic female students ✅ Offer discreet ways for autistic girls to ask for help in class ✅ Encourage parents to give their daughters space after school before asking questions ✅Help autistic girls explain their diagnosis to friends when they're ready ✅ Create safe spaces or quiet areas for autistic girls during lunch and recess ✅ Be observant of non-verbal cues, like facial expressions and body language ✅ Show genuine interest in autistic girls' special interests to build rapport  SUE'S RECOMMENDED...

Episode 260: Stretching Beyond Comfort Zones: Temple Grandin’s Insights for Educators

Stretching Beyond Comfort Zones: Temple Grandin's Insights for Educators Temple Grandin teaching insights Subscribe to this podcast via your favourite app Join my newsletter for more awesome information about ASDTemple Grandin's experiences provide invaluable insights for educators working with students on the autism spectrum, emphasizing the importance of "stretching" – encouraging students to try new things just outside their comfort zones. This approach empowers students while gently pushing their boundaries, allowing them to feel in control. Implementing these strategies can create a more inclusive and supportive learning environment, helping students to stretch beyond their comfort zones and reach their full potential.  What you will learn: ✅ Temple's experience at her aunt's ranch, which led to her career in the cattle industry. ✅ The importance of having a name on a room door to provide consistency and reduce anxiety. ✅ Using a cattle chute as a calming mechanism during...