Sue Larkey Blog

Helping you “Make a Difference”

Tips, Strategies, Time Savers and Inspiration to help make difference for a child with an ASD in your class, home or community.

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Episode 234: The Overlooked Tools of Learning: Importance of Routine and Repetition for Neurodiverse Students

The Overlooked Tools of Learning: Importance of Routine and Repetition for Neurodiverse Students Neurodiverse Learning: Routine and Repetition  ************************************** Join me for an upcoming Workshop: Sue Larkey Workshops Can't make these Workshop dates? Join me for a self-paced on-demand course: Sue Larkey On-Demand Workshops ************************************** Routine and Repetition Resources Discussed in this Episode: ✅ Why use repetition ✅ How to us repetition across all ages and stages ✅ Why use routines ✅ Key routines to support engagement ✅ Why repetition and routines will save you time ✅ Quick tips and strategies to implement this week Harness the Overlooked Strategies of Routines and Repetition!Why Harness the Overlooked Strategies of Routines and Repetition? 1. Predictable (No more lost things & No more not knowing what to do)   2. Increase Independence (Helps getting started & builds confidence as know what to do when)    ...

Repetition for Neurodiverse Students

Ep 233 – Navigating Neurodiversity in Education: Practical Tools and Resources for Educators

Neurodiversity Education Tools Resources: Practical Tools and Resources for Educators Neurodiversity Education Tools Resources Join me this week as I talk you through my FAVOURITE resources to support neurodiverse students. So, grab a cuppa and download the catalogue and let's chat. ✅ Sue Larkey books (pg 2) ✅ Visual Supports (pg 5) ✅ Social Skills (pg 6) ✅ Understanding Behaviour (pg 8) ✅ Anxiety & Mental Health (pg 9) ✅Early Years (page 10) ✅ Helping Children Manage their Emotions (pg 11) ✅ Teaching Children about Autism Spectrum (page 12) ✅ADHD- Organising & Planning (page 13) ✅ Teen Years & Beyond (pg 15) ✅ Puberty & Sex Education (page 16) ✅ Sensory Books (pg 17) ✅  Sensory Tools (pg 18) ✅ Workshops (pg 19) These are all excellent Diverse Learning Support Materials to Support our students! 🎁 Inclusive Teaching Aids and Resource From understanding the autism spectrum to implementing behaviour support strategies, these resources cover all the bases. Not only are...

Episode 232: Principal Shares – Setting Up a Hub For Neurodiverse Students – Amazing Whole School Initiative

Principal Shares - Setting Up a Hub For Neurodiverse Students - Amazing Whole School Initiative Subscribe to this podcast via your favourite app Join my newsletter for more awesome information about ASDHub For Neurodiverse Students This week's Podcast is an interview with Principal Renea Dunleavy. She shares about a fantastic initiative at her school -  "The Hub." From anchor points for high-needs children to structured starts that set the tone for the day, they have reduced anxiety and school refusal, clearing the path to educational success. Renae shares insights and strategies for fostering a positive learning environment. This initiative is a testament to the power of effective classroom behaviour management and student engagement. By implementing innovative strategies, we've seen a transformation in how our students interact and learn.************************************** Join me for an upcoming Workshop: Sue Larkey Workshops Can't make these Workshop dates? Join me for a...

Episode 231: Social worker, Bernii Godwin, on How to build connection with students by loving our students on purpose

Practical strategies for student engagement and connection Top 7 Ideas from the Podcast Simple Phrases for Classroom Management A set of simple phrases to manage classroom dynamics effectively. Restorative Teaching Emphasizing self-management and relationship restoration in teaching using practical strategies for student engagement. Promoting Student Self-Regulation Strategies to develop self-regulation in students. Developing a Strong Teacher-Student Connection: Building trust and connection as a foundation for effective teaching. Incorporating Love Languages in the Classroom: Using love languages to create a sense of connection and understanding. Understanding and Utilizing the Safety Stool Concept: A tool to assess and address student needs based on neuroscience principles. Preparation for Transition and Change: Strategies to help students cope with changes and transitions.   5 Highlights with Practical Strategies for Student Engagement "Positive behaviour management...

Episode 230: Navigating the NDIS; a guide for families and educators

Teacher and Parent/Carer Guide to NDIS Interview with Nicki Powell Link to Nicki's Website for - Introduction: Teacher’s and Parents/Carers Guide to Navigating the NDIS for Your Child and how to support families This post aims to provide parents and educators with a comprehensive guide to understanding and accessing the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) for children with special needs. Understanding the NDIS The NDIS is an Australian scheme designed to support persons with disabilities, including children with conditions like Autism, ADHD, and ODD. It offers financial support for therapies, educational aids, and other resources crucial for a child’s development. The six key functional domains that the NDIS considers when assessing the functional capacity of a child, as mentioned in the podcast transcript, are: Learning Socialization Communication Self-management Self-care Mobility​​. The Journey to NDIS: A Parent's Perspective Hear from...

Episode 229: Dr. Norrine Russell’s Insights into ADHD & AS

Dr Norrine Russell's Insights into ADHD & AS Introduction: In our latest podcast episode, Dr. Norrine Russell, an esteemed psychologist and educator, shares her profound insights into the world of neurodiverse children, particularly those with Autism, ADHD, and related conditions. As a mother and a professional, Dr. Russell offers unique perspectives that resonate with educators and parents alike. Key Highlights and Timestamps 1. Understanding Neurodevelopmental Disorders as Symptoms (00:04:06): Dr. Russell stresses the importance of viewing behaviors in neurodiverse children as symptoms of their condition, fostering a more empathetic approach. 2.  Complexities of ADHD Treatment (00:06:04): Treatment for ADHD extends beyond diagnosis, emphasizing the need for a multimodal approach including medication, therapy, and supportive strategies. 3. Autism's Individual Manifestations (00:07:12): Recognizing autism's unique presentation in each child is crucial for effective support and...

Episode 228: Empowering Neurodiversity; Yenn Purkis’ Journey & Insights

Empowering Neurodiversity: Yenn Purkis' Journey and Insights Introduction: In today's blog, we delve into the inspiring journey of Yenn Purkis, an autism advocate and author. There story is not just one of personal triumph but also a beacon of hope for individuals on the autism spectrum. This post is a treasure trove of insights, strategies, and resources for educators and parents, aiming to enrich the learning experience of neurodiverse children. Autism Advocacy Success Stories Yenn Purkis’ story is a testament to the power of understanding and embracing neurodiversity. Their experiences shed light on the unique strengths and challenges faced by individuals with autism. By exploring Their journey, we uncover valuable lessons and success stories that can inspire and guide educators and parents alike. Top 7 Strategies for Teachers in the Classroom 1. Leverage Intense Interests for Career Planning Understanding and channeling the intense interests of autistic students into potential...

Episode 227 Why Toilet Training Neurodiverse children can be so hard & my Top Tips to Try

Why Toilet Training Neurodiverse children  can be so hard & my Top Tips to Try. Learn about Toilet Training and Autism Today!  Toilet Training Neurodiverse children Discussed in this Episode: ✅ What made the biggest difference (link to my book) ✅ What advice she would give other parents ✅ Why it was so important to get her twins out of nappies ✅ How different the twins were in what worked ✅ Importance of preschool and friends in helping with toileting Stay informed about Toilet Training and Autism Today!10 TOp TIps For Toileting 1. Avoid potties! Start out with the end in mind. Children with autism have trouble generalising and the last thing you want is to have to carry their pottie around with you everywhere you go!   2. Visuals are very important. Make up some visuals to help the child understand the toileting process and to provide a prompt.   3. Prepare lots of FUN activities to do with the child. Making going to the toilet fun takes the pressure off and...

Toilet Training Neurodiverse children

Episode 226: How to Share Diagnosis with Family & Friends

how to share diagnosis With family & Friends Learn about Sharing Diagnosis with Family and Friends Today!  Discussed in this Episode: ✅ What worked and didn’t work ✅ Who needs to know about the diagnosis ✅ Why people need to know ✅ How much should I share? ✅ Top Tips for Disclosing Diagnosis ✅ Why you shouldn’t hide your child’s diagnosis from them ✅ FREE Book by Anna Tullemans, ‘Disclosing Diagnosis’ with first 30 orders of books she has Authored (Value $25) Share Diagnosis with Family and Friends Today!  Talking to family and friends about a diagnosis can be a bit daunting, I am hoping this podcast with Anna Tullemans will prepare you with information and understanding to make the task easier. Begin Sharing Diagnosis with Family and Friends Today!Top Tips from The Interview with Anna 1. Before passing on information, cross out anything that is not relevant to your child and explain the points that are relevant to them and how people can adjust, accommodate and...

Episode 225: Educators Guide to Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) & NEW Course Out Now with Laura Kerbey

************************************** Join me for an upcoming Workshop: Sue Larkey Workshops Can't make these Workshop dates? Join me for a self-paced on-demand course: Sue Larkey On-Demand Workshops ************************************** Strategies for Teaching PDA StudentsKey takeaways from this podcast for educators and parents/ carers of a child with PDA: ✅ Understand Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA): It’s a unique autism type that requires a different approach. ✅ The differences between PDA and ODD. ✅ PDA is often misunderstood - these children want to do well but struggle with demands.  ✅ Build relationships through sharing experiences and following their interests. No hierarchies. ✅ Re-evaluate teaching strategies: Traditional autism strategies may not work for PDA students ✅  Avoid power struggles by giving choices and focusing on natural consequences.  ✅ Help manage meltdowns  ✅ Always offer a fresh start after difficulties. ✅  Make requests carefully - share demands...

Episode 224: Celebrate Diversity this Holiday Season – Newsletter out now

CELEBRATE DIVERSITY THIS HOLIDAY SEASON NEWSLETTER OUT NOW Celebrate Diversity this Holiday Season Subscribe to this podcast via your favourite app Join my newsletter for more awesome information about ASDThis is all about celebrating diversity this holiday season, with a focus on providing plenty of tips for end of year activities, such as concerts and big gatherings. In addition, the podcast will cover gifts for autistic children (and other neurodiversity), offering advice on how to choose sensory-friendly toys, books, and puzzles that will bring joy to children with autism during the holiday season. The goal is to help make the holiday season a special and inclusive time for everyone, regardless of abilities or differences.Why the Holidays are a Great Time to Discuss Difference Holidays Season is a great time to talk about differences. There are so many different celebrations, traditions, religions, languages, countries, cultures & more. We should always be celebrating...

Celebrate Diversity this Holiday Season - Newsletter out now

Episode 223: Top Tips to Reduce Behaviour During Change to Support Neurodiverse Children

top tips to reduce behaviour during change to support neurodiverse children Subscribe to this podcast via your favourite app Join my newsletter for more awesome information about ASDMany children with ASD have difficulties accepting change and transition from one activity to another. In fact, most behaviour happens during change/transition. In my experience this is because it requires problem-solving, choices and adults tend to use more verbal information instead of visual information. It can also be a time of movement and high noise level, which can cause sensory processing difficulties. Below, I have listed some key times you may need to put in place strategies to support children during change. Discover why change equals behaviour today!************************************** Join me for an upcoming Workshop: Sue Larkey Workshops Can't make these Workshop dates? Join me for a self-paced on-demand course: Sue Larkey On-Demand Workshops **************************************...