Learn about Coronavirus and How to Help Children with Autism Today!

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Discussed in this episode
During these stressful and uncertain times, it is vital that we help our students understand what coronavirus is and why everything is changing all the time. This is because uncertainty can often result in intense feelings of anxiety for students with autism & neurodiversity.
I have created a worksheet of questions to help you talk to children /people, to check what they know, what they understand and how they can make themselves feel better again. In this Podcast I talk through what to ask, how to support and why it is so important it is a available to refer back too. Download the worksheet & tips how to use here
Social scripts are the key for helping students with autism to understand events and situations. This is why I love the quote below
“Improvements in behaviour doesn’t come from the social script. It comes from improved understanding of events and situations.”
The advantage of social scripts is the children can refer back to them many times to boost understanding. Social scripts can also tell students what they can do, by providing alternative situations (e.g. whilst the social script might explain why students are unable to see the grandparents for a while, they can also explain that students are still able to FaceTime them).
This is why I HIGHLY recommend you all use social scripts with the students you know.
Download the Social Script I have made for you & a Template to make your own here
How can I help?
I have worked with all ages and stages of children/adults with ASD. During the next few months I will be sending you lots of resources, ideas, strategies to support anyone your know with ASD, ODD or Neurodiversity. Please make sure you are on my emailing list so you get these direct to your inbox. Sign up & please make sure you add me to your trusted list. This maybe called “white list” or another name. I just don’t want to end up in your SPAM
Ways I can help you. Follow me on for tips, strategies, worksheets etc
Check out my other podcasts on adapting with Coronavirus:
- Episode: Supporting Children Getting Immunisations and the Covid Vaccine
- Episode 73: Top 10 Tips to use when Teaching Social Skills to Students with Autism
- Epsiode 4: Promoting Social Understanding – Social Scripts