Sue Larkey Blog
Helping you “Make a Difference”

Tips, Strategies, Time Savers and Inspiration to help make difference for a child with an ASD in your class, home or community.
Top Tips for Toilet Training
Subscribe to my podcast via my podcast page to get weekly episodes about ASD just like this one delivered automatically to where ever you listen to podcasts. Tips for Toileting (easy to Print Version below) Toilet training your child is a big task even for neuro-typical children. Parents often procrastinate over when to start and we keep delaying it for whatever reason we can think of! My biggest concern for children with ASD is if they are not out of nappies by five years of age then they often start to lose muscle control and can end up with long term bowel and bladder issues. Toileting is not something that the child will grow into or get better with age. We all need to action ASAP – and this includes schools. If a child is attending pre-school or school when the parents are toilet training then we all need to get behind the toileting programme and provide consistency all day every day until the child has mastered it. When to Start Toilet Training Signs of readiness in children...
How to Support Motor Skills for Students with Autism
HOW TO SUPPORT MOTOR SKILLS FOR STUDENTS WITH AUTISM A WHOLE BODY APPROACH By Sally McNamara (OT) As an occupational therapist I am often asked for ideas on how to support or 'fix' a specific motor skill in a student with autism. For example, a student might hold their pencil incorrectly, have difficulty riding a bike or be unable to dress independently. Students with autism often have motor difficulties, this is where I highly recommend using a whole body approach. While most people hope there is a quick solution to the problem the truth is that each motor skill involves a series of complex connections between many different parts of the brain and body. As a consequence the development of each motor skill requires consideration of the whole body and how it works together. So while fine motor skills are still important for students with autism who have fine motor delays, only focusing on exposing the child to more fine motor activities will mean that the child is unlikely to make...
Anxiety, Autism and the Power of Preventative Breaks
ANXIETY, AUTISM AND THE POWER OF PREVENTATIVE BREAKSSubscribe to this podcast via your favourite app Join my newsletter for more awesome information about ASD Research has shown that more than 75% of all children with ASD experience INTENSE anxious feelings. Today education is full of choices, open ended tasks and constant changes. For most students this makes learning interesting BUT for students with ASD, ADHD, ODD, etc. this creates many challenges and one of these is anxiety. Anxiety can look like Avoidance of new situations Preference for sameness Rigidity Insisting on same rules/routines Social withdrawal Anger Meltdowns Repetitive noise, movement or sentence The power of Preventative Breaks Students self-regulating their anxiety is a VERY important part of their behaviour management programme A student being able to request a break before a meltdown is a fantastic strategy You will need to teach them a range of strategies to calm themselves. When you are teaching them, you...
2019 Christmas Catalogue
Christmas Catalogue 2019 Subscribe to this podcast via your favourite app Join my newsletter for more awesome information about ASDWhat you will find in the 2019 Christmas / End of Year Celebrations Catalogue ???? 14 Tips for Christmas / Holiday Season ???? Beautiful Picture Books to Educate the Whole Family this Christmas ????Holiday Reading Ideas ????6 Key Strategies for Creating a Calming Area at School and Home ????12 Essential Tips for Concerts and End of Year Celebrates ???? Beautiful Books to Help Regulate Emotions ????Great Stocking Fillers ????How to Use Timers in the Holiday Period Click on the link below to download the new Christmas Catalogue....
9 Essential Tips: Concerts and End of Year Celebrations
9 Essential Tips: Concerts and End of Year Celebrations Subscribe to this podcast via your favourite app Join my newsletter for more awesome information about ASDUse calendars, schedules, diaries to forewarn about upcoming eventsGive a JOB. In the concert let them be the stage hand, the door keeper, the school photographer. The more focused and clear their JOB the less stress.Limit their choices and be very specific with choices i.e. sit at end of row, not anywhere in hall!Give something in their hands as students with autism usually calm best when have something in their hands. See "sensory tools" for ideasAvoid verbal overload. Use visuals to support verbal and give only one instruction at a time.Make social scripts of upcoming events, books about holidays, change of teachers etc. Let them refer back to them and reread to prepare activitiesUse language that tells them "what to do" e.g. "Sit Down", "Start your work", "Pack away", "Listening"Give them a buddy, make sure you...
Transition Time Savers for Teachers
Transition Time Savers for Teachers Subscribe to this podcast via your favourite app Join my newsletter for more awesome information about ASDWhen I worked as an outreach teacher supporting students in mainstream schools. I created some easy to use cheat sheets for the staff and the students I supported. The more information we share the more we can prepare! But I found sometimes there was too much information, and much of it was not actually read or used. THE MOST popular and useful documents (according to Teachers & Assistants) were these 2 documents. I have updated them and made in easy to use word documents so you can edit.1) Programming for students with ASD. Profile for Individual Student - this can be used for ADHD, ODD, SPD, PDA, Trauma etc. It includes: Academic, Behavioural, Communication, Social Skills & General Download Individual Student Profile Here Student-Transition-Document-2020-Sue-Larkey2) 10 Things About Me is a document for students to introduce...
Transition Cheat Sheets – Profile Report and 10 Things About Me
Subscribe to this podcast via your favourite app When I worked as an outreach teacher supporting students in mainstream schools. I created some easy to use cheat sheets for the staff and the students I supported. The more information we share the more we can prepare! But I found sometimes there was too much information, and much of it was not actually read or used. THE MOST popular and useful documents (according to Teachers & Assistants) were these 2 documents. I have updated them and made in easy to use word documents so you can edit. WARNING - you might need to check downloads as will save directly. 1) Programming for Students with ASD. Profile for Individual Student - this can be used for ADHD, ODD, SPD, PDA etc It includes: Academic, Behavioural, Communication, Social Skills & General 2) 10 Things About Me This is a document for students to introduce themselves. HIGHLY recommend staff or parents help students complete this. Great Book for Transitions - I'm...
Tips for Transitioning in 2020
Tips for Transitioning in 2020 Subscribe to this podcast via your favourite app Join my newsletter for more awesome information about ASDIs the child you know getting ready for a change in 2020? This can be big or small changes: transition includes change in teacher, change in room, change in students in the class not just starting preschool, school, high school and beyond. The nature of autism is such that transition can be extremely stressful, no matter what age or how BIG or SMALL the change maybe. Changing Teacher is like…. Moving to a Foreign Country For the child with an Autism moving to a new teacher, classroom or campus is like moving to foreign country. There is a different language (eg one teacher says ‘pack away’, new teacher says ‘clean up’). Teachers and other students have different facial expressions and body language to interpret, new rules, new schedules, new smells, different pencils just to mention a few changes. This new ‘foreign country’ causes the...
New Sue Larkey Catalogue
Catalogue Subscribe to this podcast via your favourite app Join my newsletter for more awesome information about ASDI love catalogues. I have spent years sourcing and reading books to include into my catalogue. When I could not find a book I wrote one! I believe this catalogue contains all essential books and resources to support people with autism. I have recently upgraded the catalogue into a new flip book format. It is easy to flick through on any device, just click on the link or image below. In the catalogue there are hyperlinks which will take you straight to my website! I hope you enjoy my new catalogue. I like to think of the catalogue as being in my office! I have included why and how to use different books and with which ages you should use the books with. We can send the books on approval to your organisation or NDIS funding, just fill out the invoice form. The video below is me explaining the Top 10 Books For A Professional Library & Why you should be using them. I...
Free Webinar
Free Webinars Sue Larkey (All Ages and Early Learning) and Tony Attwood free webinars are currently available. All Webinars provide proven strategies for teachers, parents and professionals working with children from Pre-School, Primary, High School and even Adults. Like Sue’s and Tony’s Live Workshops the examples given cater for all these different circumstances. Both Sue’s Teaching Strategies & Behaviour Support webinars and Dr Tony Attwood’s webinars compliment each other with very little overlap. For a Full and Comprehensive understanding of ASD we recommend both. The NEW Early Years webinar is all new content and is aimed at children under 6 years of age in an Early Childhood Setting. Whereas Sue’s Teaching Strategies & Behaviour Support webinar is aimed at all ages, stages and settings. Sue Larkey - How to Increase Engagement & Participation in Students on the Autism Spectrum (Without the Stress or Crazy Overwhelm) In this Webinar you will learn - Key Strategies to Increase...
16 Key Strategies for Sleep for Children with Autism
16 Key Strategies to Get Children with Autism to Sleep Subscribe to this podcast via your favourite app Join my newsletter for more awesome information about ASD For all children, a good night's sleep is necessary in order to learn effectively the next day. Research has found that two thirds of children with autism have sleep problems, fragmented sleep and early awakenings. I recently did a poll on my Facebook page here most parents identified the issue for them was going to sleep. I have put some strategies together to help with bedtime routines. Set Up a good bedtime routine. Use timers/clocks/sensory tools. Use Melatonin (medication) to help get to sleep Teach to stay in bed even if not sleeping Epsom Salts, bath or Lavender Turn off all "blue screens" (iPads, TVs etc) at least one hour before sleep. Keep bedroom door open Earn reward points for staying in the bedroom Accept lack of sleep can be related to anxiety levels so they may need time to pace Check for food...
Nighttime Toileting/Bedwetting
Nighttime Toileting/Bedwetting Subscribe to this podcast via your favourite app Join my newsletter for more awesome information about ASDNocturnal enuresis is involuntary urination while asleep. This can be very challenging for kids with autism, and their families and carers. Most kids aren’t able to stay dry through the night until they’re 5 or older because their bladders are too small, they lack muscle control, or they sleep too soundly to sense when their bladders are full. The best thing for you and your family to do would be to try to tackle nighttime toileting. However, I am aware that some of you have tried everything available and had no luck. I have put some bedding strategies below to try and make it slightly more manageable. Over the years I have found that nighttime toileting and sleep issues are often interconnected, so I have put some strategies for sleep below. PLEASE remember that a combination of strategies is often the best way forward!I recently received this...