
I love catalogues. I have spent years sourcing and reading books to include into my catalogue. When I could not find a book I wrote one! I believe this catalogue contains all essential books and resources to support people with autism.

I have recently upgraded the catalogue into a new flip book format. It is easy to flick through on any device, just click on the link or image below. In the catalogue there are hyperlinks which will take you straight to my website! I hope you enjoy my new catalogue.

I like to think of the catalogue as being in my office! I have included why and how to use different books and with which ages you should use the books with. We can send the books on approval to your organisation or NDIS funding, just fill out the invoice form.

The video below is me explaining the Top 10 Books For A Professional Library & Why you should be using them. I hope the video helps you with choosing what books would help you!

Please click the image above or this link for the new catalogue: