When I worked as an outreach teacher supporting students in mainstream schools.

I created some easy to use cheat sheets for the staff and the students I supported.

The more information we share the more we can prepare!

But I found sometimes there was too much information, and much of it was not actually read or used.

THE MOST popular and useful documents (according to Teachers & Assistants) were these 2 documents.

I have updated them and made in easy to use word documents so you can edit.

WARNING – you might need to check downloads as will save directly.

1) Programming for Students with ASD.

Profile for Individual Student – this can be used for ADHD, ODD, SPD, PDA etc

It includes: Academic, Behavioural, Communication, Social Skills & General


2) 10 Things About Me 

This is a document for students to introduce themselves. HIGHLY recommend staff or parents help students complete this.

Great Book for Transitions – I’m Going to School

A workbook for children who are beginning pre-school or school. This book helps them to create a visual guide for preparing for those first steps into a new environment. The children get to take photos and paste them into the book. They can also draw maps to help them find their way around a new school. Each year the book is updated to include the new calendar for that year. It can be used for new students or students who are moving into the next year of school so they can re-acquaint themselves with their new surroundings.

Click here for more information on how to buy this book