Sue Larkey Blog

Helping you “Make a Difference”

Tips, Strategies, Time Savers and Inspiration to help make difference for a child with an ASD in your class, home or community.

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Episode 156: From Learning to Communicate to Learning to Drive: Mum of Twins with Autism shares her Experiences

From Learning to Communicate  to Learning to Drive: Mum with Twins shares Her Autism Experiences Learn about Communicating as a Parent Today!  Discussed in this Episode: ✅ Interview Joanne Copeland ✅ Why she had written book “Footsteps of Two” ✅ Joanne shares how she hadn’t even heard of the word Autism when diagnosed ✅ Importance of focusing on one thing at a time & do not worry how long it takes to achieve you will get there. ✅ How finding Autistic Mentor for her daughter helped her understand many of her daughters challenges and how to support her ✅ Supporting her with Twins finding Post School options Explore the importance of Communicating as a Parent Today! Why did you write the book?Basically, I had a lot of information within me I wanted to share with other people, the experience and knowledge I had gained from 18 years of assisting my twins with Autism to ‘find their road’ and to believe.  I felt a had a story that needed to be heard. A story that would help...

Episode 155: Top Tips for Busy and Complex Classrooms – Webinar Replay

TOp TIps FOr BUSY AND COMPLEX CLASSROOMs Webinar replay Learn how to Manage a Busy and Complex Classroom Today!My Live Virtual Webinar last week was a success! But it's not too late if you missed it - sign up HERE to watch the Replay of the hour of power! FREE sign up includes:  E-book  Webinar Replay  Handout What Will You Learn in the Webinar?✅ Key Limitations in Inclusive Classrooms & How to Address ✅ Theory of Mind & Impact in your classroom ✅ 3 Essential Requirements for Success in Busy Classrooms ✅ Tips to Promoting Understanding in your class ✅ What is Neurodiversity & How does that look for your students? ✅ Smart Goals and Why Important ✅ 11 Top Tips to Keep Neurodiverse Students on Task in Busy & Complex classrooms Manage a Busy and Complex Classroom Today!What WERE PARTICiPaNTS NUMBER 1 TAKEAWAYS?📌 Remembering students can learn by watching peers.  😀 I need to use more repetition. Make sure I set up for success and use preventative breaks.   ✅ Simplify my...

Episode 154: Understanding Procrastination with ADHD Expert Simon Da Roza

Understanding Procrastination with ADHD with Expert Simon Da Roza Begin Understanding Procrastination and ADHD Today!  Discussed in this Episode: ✅ Procrastination is actually an engagement issue ✅ Iceberg - We see procrastination but what is happening below the surface? ✅ Impact on Executive Functioning ✅ Homework challenges ✅ Using technology to support writing activities ✅ Does Sue have a procrastination issue or choice paralysis? Start Understanding Procrastination and ADHD Today!Executive functioning What is it and why does it matter? Click to test your own executive functioning! Listen to my previous podcast for more information about Executive FunctioningI have included Seven Super Strategies & a BONUS five more to help with Understanding Procrastination and ADHD 1. Finding it hard to know where to start the activity: This is particularly common in written tasks e.g. "Write what you did on the weekend" is too broad a task. Give more specific parameters such as...

Episode 153: A Lived Experience – Robyn Steward shares the Importance of Challenging Autistic Children to improve Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

A Lived Experience - Robyn StewarD Shares The Importance of Challenging Autistic Children To Improve Critical Thinking and Problem Solving  This week I have interviewed Robyn Steward, an autistic author, who has written one of my favourite puberty books ever “The Autism Friendly Guide to Periods”.   Discussed in this Episode: ✅ Ways to Support Critical Thinking ✅ The steps Robyn took to challenge herself: riding an e-bike to visit her parents in the countryside ✅ Why she sometimes repeats questions and what you can do to support ✅ Why learning to ask questions is an important skill ✅ How Robyn has found friends who support her taking on new challenges i.e. going to America Learn How to Improve Your Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Today!Robyn’s 6 Key Pieces of Advice on How to Improve Your Critical Thinking 1. Taking risks is vital 2. Develop a wide network of people your child can seek advice from (including people you might not agree with)  3. Support the...

Episode 152: Mum Shares her Journey of Toilet Training Twins with Autism

Mum Shares Her Journey of  Toilet Training Twins with Autism Learn about Toilet Training and Autism Today!  Discussed in this Episode: ✅ What made the biggest difference (link to my book) ✅ What advice she would give other parents ✅ Why it was so important to get her twins out of nappies ✅ How different the twins were in what worked ✅ Importance of preschool and friends in helping with toileting Stay informed about Toilet Training and Autism Today!10 TOp TIps For Toileting 1. Avoid potties! Start out with the end in mind. Children with autism have trouble generalising and the last thing you want is to have to carry their pottie around with you everywhere you go!   2. Visuals are very important. Make up some visuals to help the child understand the toileting process and to provide a prompt.   3. Prepare lots of FUN activities to do with the child. Making going to the toilet fun takes the pressure off and makes it a motivating place to go.   4. Rewards are one of...

Episode 151: How to Share Diagnosis with an Autistic Child, Peers & Siblings

How to Share A DIAGNOSIs WITH AN  Autistic Child, PEERS & Siblings Learn How to Share Autism Diagnosis Today!  Guest Anna Tullemans shares her lived experience as a parent about discussing diagnosis (Part 2) Discussed in this Episode: ✅ Why do I need to tell my child? Why do they need to know? ✅ Where to start ✅ Steps for sharing diagnosis ✅ Why you shouldn’t hide your child’s diagnosis from them ✅ Why share with their peers and siblings ✅ 8 Ways to be a friend to someone with ASD - Poster to download and put in playground ✅ FREE Book by Anna Tullemans, ‘Disclosing Diagnosis’ with first 100 orders of books she has Authored (Value $25) Learn How to Share Autism Diagnosis Today!4 Steps to Discussing the Diagnosis with a ChildHOW BOOKS HELP WHEN SHARING DIAGNOSISBooks about diagnosis allow them to read and absorb in their own time. Use them to then have conversations. Picture Books and Lived Experience were most useful for Daniel but also family and friends. Leaving them on...

Episode 150: Sharing Diagnosis with Family & Friends – Who, Why & How

Sharing Diagnosis with Family & Friends Who, Why & How Learn about Sharing Diagnosis with Family and Friends Today!  Discussed in this Episode: ✅ What worked and didn’t work ✅ Who needs to know about the diagnosis ✅ Why people need to know ✅ How much should I share? ✅ Top Tips for Disclosing Diagnosis ✅ Why you shouldn’t hide your child’s diagnosis from them ✅ FREE Book by Anna Tullemans, ‘Disclosing Diagnosis’ with first 100 orders of books she has Authored (Value $25) Share Diagnosis with Family and Friends Today!  Talking to family and friends about a diagnosis can be a bit daunting, I am hoping this podcast with Anna Tullemans will prepare you with information and understanding to make the task easier. Begin Sharing Diagnosis with Family and Friends Today!Top Tips from The Interview with Anna 1. Before passing on information, cross out anything that is not relevant to your child and explain the points that are relevant to them and how people can adjust,...

Episode 149: Masking & Veneer of Coping – What is it? & What to do?

Masking & Veneer of Coping  What is it? & What to do? Masking and Autism Explained in this Episode!  Discussed in this Episode: ✅ Why I call masking, ‘a veneer of coping,’ and what to do! ✅ What is Masking? ✅ What you see. ✅ What you can do. ✅ Why it can cause burn out for families and their autistic child. ✅ Masking versus Copying. ✅ Do your children/students struggle with after-school meltdowns/shutdowns? ✅ Do they hold it together at school but when they get home they fall apart? Masking and Autism Explained for you Today! Click Here to Join My Facebook GroupWhat is Masking?Masking is when a person on the autism spectrum mimics and uses social scripts learnt from others, in order to fit in and suppress their autistic tendencies. The goal is often to appear ‘neurotypical’ as they want to fit in. On the outside the student may appear… 1. Well behaved 2. Hard Working 3. Eager to Please 4. Perfectionism   But on the inside the student may feel… 1. Anxiety 2. Stomach...

Episode 148: Open Plan Classrooms not working? Classroom Teacher Shares her Top Tips

Open Plan Classrooms not working? Classroom Teacher Shares her Top Tips Learn Classroom Teacher Tips Today!   Discussed in this Episode: ✅ Special Guest: Di Rickard Primary school teacher and a play therapist ✅ Inspired by question in Facebook Community ✅ How to support children on the spectrum in the early years in open plan, double teaching classrooms? ✅ See the blog for amazing suggestions from facebook community Click Here to Join My Facebook Group This PODCAST WAS INSPired by this facebook Message:How to Help Make Transitions Less Overwhelming Suggestions from Facebook Community in comments below:   1. Enter via Art Room or quieter area   2. Transition before everyone else : Slower, Calmer, Less Noise   3. Heavy Work   4. Take child into room without anyone one in there to give them time to process environment    Giving them a safe space to run toSuggestions from Facebook Community in comments below:   1. Break times   2. Break Cards (Listen to...

Episode 147: How to Use 10 Types of Accommodations and Adjustments

How to Use 10 types Of Accomodations adjustments NCCD - What is it and Why is it important Learn Autism Accomodations and Adjustments Today!   Discussed in this Episode: ✅ Adjustments & Accommodations ✅ Practical Strategies & Ideas how to implement Accommodations & Adjustments ✅ NCCD - What is it and why it is important ✅ DSE (2005) Read along if you have my new MEGA Book page 12 and learn Autism Accomodations and Adjustments Today! 10 Types of Adjustments/Accomodations Download to learn helpful Autism Accomodations and Adjustments!   Meet my Podcast & Guest Assistant -  MistyAlso Discussed in this weeks Episode was NCCD:Also Discussed in this weeks Episode was DSE: Enjoy Autism Accomodations and Adjustments? Try Episode 146: Using SMART Goals & IEP to Improve Outcomes Discussed in this Episode: ✅ How to apply from Early Years to Post School Options ✅  IEPs. (Individualised Education Plan)  ✅ SMART Goals ✅  Planning Read along if you have my new MEGA...

Episode 146: Using SMART Goals & IEP to Improve Outcomes

Using Smart Goals & IEP = To IMprove Outcomes Use SMART Goals and IEP to improve outcomes Today! Using SMART Goals and IEP to improve outcomes is an important skill for all educators working with children with autism spectrum disorder. Discussed in this Episode: ✅ How to apply from Early Years to Post School Options ✅  IEPs. (Individualised Education Plan)  ✅ SMART Goals ✅  Planning Read along if you have my new MEGA Book pages 88-91 and harness SMART Goals and IEP to improve outcomes! Step 1: Update  on ProgressThis should include: Academic strategies and progress Communication strategies and progress Physical health and needs Independence skills, including building capacity to study and self-care independently Social skills and peer connections General emotional well being Self-regulation and behaviour skills Time and frequency of support staff or services Step 2 : SMART GoalsThe most important part of any IEP is arguably the list of goals the student it aiming to achieve....

Episode 145: Time Management = Anxiety Management

Time Management = Anxiety Management Learn why Time Management equals Anxiety Management  today! Discussed in this Episode: ✅ The Number 1 Adaption, Adjustment every school & home needs ✅ NCCD - 4 Levels of Adjustments ✅ Why Using Timers works for EVERYONE  ✅ Mega Book Pages 21-24 Remember Time Management equals Anxiety Management! 21 Top Ways to Use Time Management as Anxiety Management1. Ease stressful transitions by showing "how much longer" and "here is what 5 more minutes really means" 2. Show when challenging activities will end: "Lets go shopping for 30 minutes" "Handwriting for 30 minutes" 3. Help everyone (especially new staff or visitors) stick to the routine 4. Reduce anxiety by creating predictability & consistency 5. Help develop a reliable internal clock (especially for students with ADHD) 6. Help with organisation & time management so don't get 'caught up' in preferred activities 7. See at a glance how much time is left 8. Keep lessons/activities focused...