Sue Larkey Blog

Helping you “Make a Difference”

Tips, Strategies, Time Savers and Inspiration to help make difference for a child with an ASD in your class, home or community.

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Episode 182: Sue Larkey’s Expert Series: The Fabulous New Screening Tools to Get an Earlier Diagnosis with Professor Barbaro

Sue larkey's expert series: The fabulous new screening tools to get an an earlier diagnosis with Professor Barbaro Learn about Autism Diagnosis and Screening Tools today!  Expert Guest: Professor Josephine Barbaro is a Principal Research Fellow and Neurodiversity Affirming Psychologist at the Olga Tennison Autism Research Centre, La Trobe University. She is co-founder of Australia's first 'Early Assessment Clinic' for autism, focusing on children under 3 years old. A/Prof Barbaro's research interests are in the early identification and diagnosis of autism in infants, toddlers, and pre-schoolers, family health and well-being following a diagnosis, and Neurodiversity Affirming research and practice. In this interview, we will discuss Autism Diagnosis and Screening Tools, including: ✅ What is autism screening/developmental surveillance? ✅ What are some of the early signs of Autism? ✅ How early can we identify and diagnose Autistic kiddos and what's the current average age of...

Episode 181: Sue Larkey’s Expert Series: Preparing for Post School – Tips for Navigating University & College for Diverse Students with College Founder Dr Perry LaRoque

Sue Larkey’s Expert Series: Preparing for Post School - Tips for Navigating University & College for Diverse Students with College Founder Dr. Perry LaRoque Learn about Preparing for Life After School Today!  Expert Guest: Dr. Perry LaRoque is the founder and president of Mansfield Hall, an innovative residential college support program for diverse learners. He earned his doctorate in special education from the University of Wisconsin and has served in a variety of leadership roles serving at-risk youth and people with disabilities. Before returning for his doctoral work, Dr. LaRoque worked in an assisted-living care facility for adults with intellectual disabilities and taught special education in several public schools. In this interview, Dr. Perry LaRoque will talk about Preparing for Life After School, including: ✅ The "tsunami" of students entering college with disabilities in the years to come and what can be done to prepare for this. ✅ How colleges and universities...

Episode 180: Sue Larkey’s Expert Series: One-on-One Consultation with Dad on How to get his Son to do a Number 2 in the Loo

Sue Larkey’s Expert Series: One-on-One Consultation with Dad on How to get his Son to do a Number 2 in the Loo Learn Expert Tips for Toilet Training Today!  Discussed in this Episode:    Why Mark calls it 'Toilet Learning' Not 'Toilet Training''   How Mark got his son to do 'wee' in toilet   Sue offers some suggestions to Mark's question: 'What to do for his son who will hold in a poo for over a day, which will become an accident in his undies; he simply won't sit on the toilet to poo.'10 TOp TIps For Toileting 1. Avoid potties! Start out with the end in mind. Children with autism have trouble generalising and the last thing you want is to have to carry their pottie around with you everywhere you go!   2. Visuals are very important. Make up some visuals to help the child understand the toileting process and to provide a prompt.   3. Prepare lots of FUN activities to do with the child. Making going to the toilet fun takes the pressure off and makes it a motivating...

Podcast Episode 280 Hpw top get your child to do a number 2 on the loo

Episode 179 : Sue Larkey’s Expert Series: Helping to Heal Anxiety with Bestselling Author Dr Russ

Sue Larkey's Expert Series: Helping to Heal Anxiety with Bestselling Author Dr Russ Learn about Supporting Students with Anxiety Today!  Expert Guest: Dr. Russell Kennedy is a medical doctor and neuroscientist with deep roots in developmental psychology. His award winning book ANXIETY RX is the #1 rated book on Amazon on the topic of healing anxiety. Dr. Kennedy is no stranger to anxiety himself as he suffered from chronic worry and health anxiety for decades. After 30+ years of depending on doctors, psychiatrists, and counsellors and medications of all kinds with no relief, he decided that if was to heal, he must find the solution himself.   Discussed in this episode: ✅ How understanding anxiety can help you support students ✅ A different way to look at anxiety ✅ Ideas to support students with anxiety ✅ Strategies you can use too when you are feeling anxiety   To learn more from Dr. Russ: IG: Website: Dr....

Episode 178: Updating the Red Beast: Kay Al-Ghani on making her best selling book more diverse, inclusive and effective

Updating the red beast:  Kay Al-Ghani on making her best selling book more diverse, inclusive and effective Explore Inclusive resources for Autistic Children Today! Subscribe to this podcast via your favourite app Join my newsletter for more awesome information about ASD1. It is more inclusive – The original book was written for children with Asperger Syndrome, the new addition aims to reach most children on the Autism Spectrum.We know that the idea of a Red Beast is usually understood by children with Asperger’s, however, other children with Autism may take the metaphor quite literally and become distressed at the thought of a real beast inside of them. The addition of the sentence “Let’s imagine that... “ at the start of the story means you can discuss the idea that the beast is not real – it is imaginary, pretend or make believe.2. The new illustrations are more inclusive of typical children – so the child has a chance to see the behaviour of the angry boy in the playground...

Episode 177: Embrace Neurodiversity this Summer by Reading, Listening and Learning from People’s Lived Experiences

embrace neurodiversity this summer by reading, listening and learning from people's lived experiences Listen to these Empowering Role Models Today! Subscribe to this podcast via your favourite app Join my newsletter for more awesome information about ASDContinue spreading the holiday share this week - Give the Gift of Understanding! Role models are so important for promoting understanding, especially for children. I have found that hearing from someone with lived experience, and seeing what they have achieved can be so empowering for the kids I know. Do you think it can help you too? For more on lived experience, check out Podcast Episode 115. Looking to do some holiday reading? Why not read books by authors with lived experience - click here for more information. What this Podcast Contains: Page numbers refer to the Holiday Newsletter - download it HERE (no sign up required) ✅ Sharing Diagnosis - Why, When and How to tell my Child (pages 8-9)✅ Promoting Understanding (page 5)✅...

Episode 176: Holiday Gifts Ideas for Children with Autism, ADHD, ODD – Gift of Understanding – Ideas and Tips

Gifts for Autistic Children GIVE THE GIFT OF UNDERSTANDING THIS HOLIDAY SEASON - IDEAS AND TIPS - Celebrate Diversity This Holiday! Subscribe to this podcast via your favourite app Join my newsletter for more awesome information about ASDThis podcast is all about celebrating diversity this holiday season, with a focus on providing plenty of tips for end of year activities, such as concerts and big gatherings. In addition, the podcast will cover gifts for autistic children (and other neurodiversity), offering advice on how to choose sensory-friendly toys, books, and puzzles that will bring joy to children with autism during the holiday season. The goal is to help make the holiday season a special and inclusive time for everyone, regardless of abilities or differences. Click here to jump straight to the holiday sale! Let's Celebrate Diversity This Holiday!!It's ok to be different - WE ALL AREWhy the Holidays are a Great Time to Discuss Difference Holidays Season is a great time to...

Gifts for Autistic Children

Episode 175: How to Talk to Families about Getting a Diagnosis: a Step-by-Step Guide with Psychologist Emily Hanlon

How to Talk to Families about Getting a Diagnosis: A Step-By-Step Guide with Psychologist Emily Hanlon Learn the Key Steps for Diagnosis today!  ************************************** Join me for an upcoming Workshop: Sue Larkey Workshops Can't make these Workshop dates? Join me for a self-paced on-demand course: Sue Larkey On-Demand Workshops **************************************   Discussed in this Podcast: ✅ It’s important to remember that a teacher’s role isn’t to offer suggestions of a diagnosis, it’s to bring things to the parents’ attention.✅ 8 Steps to Talking for Families about pursuing a diagnosis.✅ Red Flags for Diagnosis.✅ Why students should get a diagnosis. Make sure you listen to this Podcast as each step is discussed in detail including mistakes to avoid. Learn the Key Steps for Diagnosis Today!  8 Steps to Talking for Families about pursuing a diagnosis1. Check your tone.Tone is everything! The first few sentences and gestures you make are so...

Episode 174: Free Webinar Replay – Transition Tips for Getting Ready for 2023

FREE WEBINAR REPLAY -  TRANSITION TIPS FOR GETTING READY FOR 2023 Learn about Successful Transitions in 2023! Subscribe to this podcast via your favourite app Join my newsletter for more awesome information about ASDEverything you need to know for successful transitions in 2023! Including Top Tips for Preparing for 2023 Did you make it to my free webinar on Wednesday?? If you missed out, it's not too late - you can still sign up to watch the replay below Sign up now to watch it HERESign up includes these FREE timesavers and tipsheets: 👉 NEW Social Script - what to do when your teacher is away👉 Handout with all slides👉 Transition Ebook - including tips for separation anxiety, starting school and secondary school👉 Key document to share with staff - Transition Programme👉 10 Things to Know about MeWhat this Webinar Covers: ✅ Transition Tips including - Preschool - Primary School, Primary to Secondary & more✅ What to do if you can’t do on-site visits✅ The KEY strategies for...

Episode 173: Cheat Sheets for Transition – How to Use Sue Larkey’s Cheat Sheets

Timesavers & Top Transition Tips for Success in 2023 Access Cheat Sheets for Transition today!  It's starting to get to the end of 2022, and you might already be starting to think about how you will ease the transition for the children you know. Or if you are just coming out of learning from home and moving to in-person teaching, these transition tips will help reduce anxiety and stress! Transition can be big or small changes: it includes change in teacher, change in room, change in students in the class not just starting preschool, school, high school and beyond. The nature of autism is such that transition can be extremely stressful, no matter what age or how BIG or SMALL the change maybe.   Changing Teacher is like…. Moving to a Foreign Country For children with autism, moving to a new teacher, classroom or campus is like moving to foreign country. There is a different language (e.g. old teacher says ‘pack away’, new teacher says ‘clean up’). Teachers and other...

Episode 172: 30+ Reasons Why A Child Can’t Sit Still & What You Can DO

30+ Reasons Why a Child can’t sit still & what you can do Promote Sitting Skills in Children Today! Subscribe to this podcast via your favourite app Join my newsletter for more awesome information about ASDJoin Sue for an upcoming Live Virtual Workshop where you will learn Sue's practical tips & strategies to make a difference.What you will learn: ✅ Download the fabulous PDF 30+ Reasons Why a Child Can't Sit Still ✅ Observe when the child can sit still for prolonged periods ✅ Giving children preventative breaks for toilet, food, drink and movement (Interoception) ✅ Developing Core Strength to support posture (recommend resource Motor Flip Book) ✅ Why & How to use visual Timers to help children know how long to sit still (recommend resource - Timers) ✅ Why & how to use Sensory Tools to support listening, waiting and sharingGreat Resources recommended in this episode  I am always sharing stories and new content...

Episode 171: Early Childhood Top Tips & Strategies – From Diagnosis to Toilet Training

Early childhood top tips & strategies - From diagnosis to toilet training Learn Early Childhood Tips and Strategies Today! Subscribe to this podcast via your favourite app Join my newsletter for more awesome information about ASDJoin Sue for an upcoming Live Virtual Workshop where you will learn Sue's practical tips & strategies to make a difference.Over 400 Early Child Educators told me their top 2 questions they wanted answered, and I used those to create these Tips & Strategies What you will learn: ✅ Diagnosis / Identifying Signs of Autism ✅ Tips for Toileting ✅ Creating Communication Enriched Environments (non-verbal children) ✅ Different Ways of Teaching ✅ Why and How to Use Visuals ✅ Being a Supportive Communication Partner ✅ Use Rewards and Special Interests to Motivate and Engage in Learning ✅11 Common Signs of Sensory Processing Disorder or Difficulties ✅ Using Sensory Tools to Improve Learning & BehaviourFREE Early Years Ebook -  Listen to me  discuss...