Understanding Girls Who Camouflage their Struggles 

with Guest Jane McFadden

ASD and ADHD Masking For Girls



Jane McFadden is a former psychologist turned Neuroscientist, Author, and Neurodiversity Specialist.

Jane has both lived experience and clinical expertise.

After years of battling burnout, stress, and anxiety, she received a life-altering ADHD diagnosis in 2022, which answered many of her questions and ignited her passion to help other women and girls avoid being misdiagnosed and wrongly medicated.

While ADHD medication was life-changing, it also unveiled Autistic traits, leading to her being diagnosed as Autistic in 2024.

So I am thrilled to have Jane join us to share her knowledge & expertise on identifying camouflaged or internalising Autistic children.


Discussed in this Episode:

Girls often present with perfectionist behaviours and high anxiety

Many show extremely helpful, caring behaviours to avoid playground interactions

They frequently camouflage comprehension difficulties

Girls may present as leaders but struggle with flexibility and problem-solving

They often hold it together at school but experience meltdowns at home

ASD and ADHD Masking for girls Explained for you Today!


ASD and ADHD masking for girls symptoms

– The student who appears to be reading well but has significant comprehension difficulties

– The helpful student who volunteers for every task to avoid playground social interactions

– The “mini prime minister” who appears confident but can’t handle change

– The quiet student who shuts down rather than acts out

– The student who appears socially competent at school but has major meltdowns at home

Examples of Masking Behaviors 

  1. Taking on helper roles (assisting in sick bay, helping disabled students)
  2. Appearing as natural leaders but showing inflexibility
  3. Having strong reading skills but poor comprehension
  4. Displaying perfectionist behaviors
  5. Checking in frequently with teachers
  6. Showing hypervigilant behaviors
  7. Appearing socially competent at school but melting down at home
  8. Sitting quietly when overwhelmed rather than acting out
  9. Taking on “mini prime minister” roles but struggling to compromise
  10. Helping with classroom organisation to avoid social interactions

Understanding ADHD in Girls and Woman

Uncover the hidden struggles and triumphs of women and girls with ADHD in this eye-opening book. Written by expert professionals, this comprehensive guide sheds light on the unique experiences and challenges faced by females with ADHD, providing invaluable insights and practical strategies for support and success.
Key challenges addressed in the book:
• Recognising and understanding the often-missed or misunderstood symptoms of ADHD in females
• Navigating the complex process of assessment and diagnosis for girls and young women
• Accessing essential support in educational settings to ensure academic success


6 in stock

book recommendations

to learn more about asd and adhd masking in girls

Books For Girls:

Product Quantity

Sue Larkey's MEGA BOOK of Timesavers, Tips & Strategies for Busy and Complex Classrooms

A MEGA book full of my most Popular Blogs, Tip Sheets and more in one easy to use reference! This book is for all ages and stages, for teaching neurodiverse students including Autism Spectrum, ADHD, ODD, PDA and more!

Includes index to quickly look up Topic & Tips, as well as ideas for all parts of teaching and looking after neurodiverse children. 142 pages of Strategies & Tips at YOUR Fingertips.

The Spectrum Girl's Survival Guide: How to Grow Up Awesome and Autistic

"Never be ashamed of being different: it is this difference that makes you extraordinary and unique."

This essential go-to guide gives you all the advice and tools you'll need to help you flourish and achieve what you want in life. From the answers to everyday questions such as 'Am I using appropriate body language?' and 'Did I say the wrong thing?', through to discussing the importance of understanding your emotions, looking after your physical and mental health and coping with anxiety and sensory overloads, award-winning neurodiversity campaigner Siena Castellon uses her own experiences to provide you with the skills to overcome any challenge.

With practical tips on friendships, dating, body image, consent and appearance, as well as how to survive school and bullying, The Spectrum Girl's Survival Guide gives you the power to embrace who you are, reminding you that even during the toughest of teen moments, you are never alone.

I am an Autistic Girl

A book for young girls with autism spectrum conditions

Lizzie is an Aspie Girl - she has Asperger's Syndrome, which means that her brain works differently to her friends, and even to boys with Asperger Syndrome. In this book, Lizzie explains what it's like to be an Aspie Girl, including how she has a special talent for blending in with her friends, how she gets really tired after being at school all day, how she worries about making mistakes, and how she finds it hard to understand how she is feeling.


| by Rudy Simone | Girls with AspergerÕs Syndrome are less frequently diagnosed than boys, and even once symptoms have been recognised, help is often not readily available. The image of coping well presented by AS females of any age can often mask difficulties, deficits, challenges, and loneliness. This book will be essential reading for females of any age diagnosed with AS, and those who think they might be on the spectrum. It will also be of interest to partners and loved ones of Aspergirls, and anybody interested either professionally or academically in AspergerÕs Syndrome.

Pretending to Be Normal Updated Version

| by Lianne Holliday Wiley | Compelling and witty, Liane Holliday Willey’s account of growing to adulthood as an undiagnosed Aspie has been read by thousands of people on and off the autism spectrum since it was first published in 1999. Bringing her story up to date, including her diagnosis as an adult, and reflecting on the changes in attitude over 15 years, this expanded edition will continue to entertain (and inform) all those who would like to know a little more about how it feels to spend your life 'pretending to be normal'.

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Enjoy Masking and Autism Explained? Try these great books to Help with Self Regulation and Prevenative Breaks

Great Books to Help with Self Regulation and Preventative Breaks

Product Quantity

The Kids Guide to Staying Awesome and In Control


From breathing exercises, pressure holds and finger pulls, to fidgets, noise-reducing headphones and gum, this book is brimming with fun stuff to help kids feel cool, calm and collected. They will learn how to label difficult feelings, choose the perfect strategies and tools to tackle them, and use these correctly whether at home or at school. The strategies and tools are accompanied by cartoon-style illustrations, and the author includes useful tips for parents and teachers as well as handy visual charts and checklists to track learning and progress. For ages 7-14 years.

How to be a Superhero called Self-Control

| by Lauren Brukner  - Narrated by a superhero called Self-Control, this illustrated book provides a variety of super power strategies to help children with emotional and sensory regulation difficulties, aged approximately 4 to 7 years, to master self-control.

Stay Cool and In Control With The Keep-Calm Guru

Meet the Keep-Calm Guru, our expert guide to the art of staying cool, calm, and in control in the face of overpowering feelings! This illustrated book introduces wise ways for chil dren to recognise and cope with anxiety, anger, frustration, and other difficult emotions. Using everything from yoga poses and pressure holds, to deep breathing and relaxing colouring activities,the Keep-Calm Guru show skids how to take back control and feel cool, calm, and just right.

Suitable for children with sensory and emotional regulation diffi culties aged approximately 7- 14 years

Self-Control to the Rescue

The self-control super hero is back! This time, they've come prepared with simple strategies to tackle the difficult emotions and challenges of everyday life. From the morning routine to making friends at recess, paying attention in class and getting a good night's sleep, this guide will help children stay on track and save the day! Focussing on specific times of the day that present particular challenges, the book uses illustrations and simple language to describe breathing exercises, stretching, and visualization techniques to help children aged 4-7 keep calm and in control. Suitable for all children, but especially those with sensory and emotional regulation difficulties, this is an accessible guide with extra tips and resources for parents, educators or therapists.

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Emotional Regulation in Students with an Autism Spectrum Disorder and/or other Neurodiverse Disorders – Masterclass.


Helpful Autistic Lived Experiences Facebook Groups and Organisations:


Educators Guide to Executive Functioning - Why it Impacts Learning and Behaviour & What to Do

This course offers a comprehensive exploration of Executive Functioning. Dive into seven comprehensive lessons, starting with an introduction to Executive Functioning and the impact on learning and behaviour in Neurodiverse students (ASD, ADHD, ODD & PDA) Led by Dean Beadle, International Speaker & Autism Expert, for an enlightening course on Executive Functioning where he gives strategies from his lived experience and evidence-based research.


✅ 2 Hours

📌 Certificate

PRICE $149

Sue Larkey

Sue Larkey

Teacher, Masters Special Education, Author, Speaker


Sue Larkey is a highly qualified educator who has taught students with autism spectrum disorder in the mainstream and special schools. She combines practical experience with extensive research having completed a Masters in Special Education and the research sections of a Doctorate in Education. Sue has over 1.3 million downloads of her Podcast (Sue Larkey Podcast) of which there are over 200 episodes. Sue has has authored many books on autism spectrum disorders. She believes that armed with the tools of understanding and confidence, much can be achieved.

Some of Sue Larkey’s achievements include:

  • Podcast ‘Sue Larkey’ over 1.3 million downloads
  • Sue Podcast is #1 Apple Podcast Ranked (Australia: Course Category)
  • Podcast Resources used by Leading Universities to train teachers such as Monash University, Canberra University
  • Over 135,000 subscribers to her weekly E-Newsletter in over 30 countries
  • Authored over 18 Books for Educators, Teacher Assistants, Parents/Carers
  • 130,000 Facebook in her Community to Embrace Difference to make a Difference
  • Fomer Winner of Naturally Autistic International Award for Community Contribution
  • Given hundreds of speeches including International and National Conferences
  • A trusted source of knowledge, compassion and inspiration for parents/carers, support workers, teachers, teacher assistants, educators and more


Podcast Photo of Sue Larkey with microphone


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