Understanding Girls Who Camouflage their Struggles
with Guest Jane McFadden
ASD and ADHD Masking For Girls
Jane McFadden is a former psychologist turned Neuroscientist, Author, and Neurodiversity Specialist.
Jane has both lived experience and clinical expertise.
After years of battling burnout, stress, and anxiety, she received a life-altering ADHD diagnosis in 2022, which answered many of her questions and ignited her passion to help other women and girls avoid being misdiagnosed and wrongly medicated.
While ADHD medication was life-changing, it also unveiled Autistic traits, leading to her being diagnosed as Autistic in 2024.
So I am thrilled to have Jane join us to share her knowledge & expertise on identifying camouflaged or internalising Autistic children.
Discussed in this Episode:
✅ Girls often present with perfectionist behaviours and high anxiety
✅ Many show extremely helpful, caring behaviours to avoid playground interactions
✅ They frequently camouflage comprehension difficulties
✅ Girls may present as leaders but struggle with flexibility and problem-solving
✅ They often hold it together at school but experience meltdowns at home
ASD and ADHD Masking for girls Explained for you Today!
– The student who appears to be reading well but has significant comprehension difficulties
– The helpful student who volunteers for every task to avoid playground social interactions
– The “mini prime minister” who appears confident but can’t handle change
– The quiet student who shuts down rather than acts out
– The student who appears socially competent at school but has major meltdowns at home
Examples of Masking Behaviors
- Taking on helper roles (assisting in sick bay, helping disabled students)
- Appearing as natural leaders but showing inflexibility
- Having strong reading skills but poor comprehension
- Displaying perfectionist behaviors
- Checking in frequently with teachers
- Showing hypervigilant behaviors
- Appearing socially competent at school but melting down at home
- Sitting quietly when overwhelmed rather than acting out
- Taking on “mini prime minister” roles but struggling to compromise
- Helping with classroom organisation to avoid social interactions
Understanding ADHD in Girls and Woman
6 in stock
book recommendations
to learn more about asd and adhd masking in girls
Books For Girls:
Enjoy Masking and Autism Explained? Try these great books to Help with Self Regulation and Prevenative Breaks
Great Books to Help with Self Regulation and Preventative Breaks
Emotional Regulation in Students with an Autism Spectrum Disorder and/or other Neurodiverse Disorders – Masterclass.
Helpful Autistic Lived Experiences Facebook Groups and Organisations:
Enjoyed Masking and Autism Explained? Check out my other Podcasts Referred to:
Episode 81: How Embracing Autistic Strengths Changed His Life: An Interview with Chris Bonnello
Educators Guide to Executive Functioning - Why it Impacts Learning and Behaviour & What to Do
This course offers a comprehensive exploration of Executive Functioning. Dive into seven comprehensive lessons, starting with an introduction to Executive Functioning and the impact on learning and behaviour in Neurodiverse students (ASD, ADHD, ODD & PDA) Led by Dean Beadle, International Speaker & Autism Expert, for an enlightening course on Executive Functioning where he gives strategies from his lived experience and evidence-based research.
2 Hours
PRICE $149
Sue Larkey
Teacher, Masters Special Education, Author, Speaker
Sue Larkey is a highly qualified educator who has taught students with autism spectrum disorder in the mainstream and special schools. She combines practical experience with extensive research having completed a Masters in Special Education and the research sections of a Doctorate in Education. Sue has over 1.3 million downloads of her Podcast (Sue Larkey Podcast) of which there are over 200 episodes. Sue has has authored many books on autism spectrum disorders. She believes that armed with the tools of understanding and confidence, much can be achieved.
Some of Sue Larkey’s achievements include:
- Podcast ‘Sue Larkey’ over 1.3 million downloads
- Sue Podcast is #1 Apple Podcast Ranked (Australia: Course Category)
- Podcast Resources used by Leading Universities to train teachers such as Monash University, Canberra University
- Over 135,000 subscribers to her weekly E-Newsletter in over 30 countries
- Authored over 18 Books for Educators, Teacher Assistants, Parents/Carers
- 130,000 Facebook in her Community to Embrace Difference to make a Difference
- Fomer Winner of Naturally Autistic International Award for Community Contribution
- Given hundreds of speeches including International and National Conferences
- A trusted source of knowledge, compassion and inspiration for parents/carers, support workers, teachers, teacher assistants, educators and more
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