Tips For Transitioning in 2019.

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Sue Larkey PodcastTransition includes change in teacher, change in room, change in students in the class not just starting preschool, school, high school and beyond. The nature of ASD is such that transition can be extremely stressful, no matter what age or how BIG or SMALL the change maybe.

Changing Teacher is like…. Moving to a Foreign Country

For the child with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) moving to a new teacher, classroom or campus is like moving to foreign country. There is a different language (eg one teacher says ‘pack away’, new teacher says ‘clean up’). Teachers and other students have different facial expressions and body language to interpret, new rules, new schedules, new smells, different pencils just to mention a few changes. This new ‘foreign country’ causes the child to feel enormous anxiety and stress, which in turn can lead to behaviour. This anxiety and behaviour can be managed by effective planning and transition strategies.

This article aims to give you ideas, strategies and solutions to managing transition and have in place strategies ready to make 2019 a Success!

Check out my previous podcasts on Transition:

  • Episode 126: Using Games to Teach – Part 1: All the Skills you can Learn
  • Episode 112: De-escalation Strategies to use Before, During and After a Meltdown
  • Epsiode 66: How Timers Can Support Students with Autism Learn at Home


Portable and quiet with a protective cover, the Time Timer MOD is a great way to promote efficient time management at work, school and home. The Time Timer MOD is approximately 9.5 cm by 9.5 cm and suits the more ‘destructible’ child. Comes with a charcoal cover – optional coloured covers (blue, berry or green) sold separately.