Sharing Diagnosis with Family & Friends

Who, Why & How

Learn about Sharing Diagnosis with Family and Friends Today!


Podcast Photo of Sue Larkey with microphone


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Discussed in this Episode:

✅ What worked and didn’t work

✅ Who needs to know about the diagnosis

✅ Why people need to know

✅ How much should I share?

✅ Top Tips for Disclosing Diagnosis

✅ Why you shouldn’t hide your child’s diagnosis from them

✅ FREE Book by Anna Tullemans, ‘Disclosing Diagnosis’ with first 100 orders of books she has Authored (Value $25)

Share Diagnosis with Family and Friends Today!


Talking to family and friends about a diagnosis can be a bit daunting, I am hoping this podcast with Anna Tullemans will prepare you with information and understanding to make the task easier. Begin Sharing Diagnosis with Family and Friends Today!

Top Tips from The Interview with Anna

1. Before passing on information, cross out anything that is not relevant to your child and explain the points that are relevant to them and how people can adjust, accommodate and support. 

2. Once family and friends have understood the needs of your child they will begin to change their approach.

3. It is important to constantly educate your family around your child as they grow and change. Someone who is 6 with ASD can look very different at 12 or 16. It is about constantly re-educating.

4. Books about diagnosis allow them to read and absorb in their own time. Use them to then have conversations. Picture books and lived experience stories were most useful for Daniel, but also family and friends. Leaving them on coffee tables was a great way to start conversations


Important question to ask yourself before sharing diagnosis

“What are the changes you want to see when you disclose the diagnosis to your family and friends?”

First 100 people who buys an Anna Tullemans’ or Sue Larkey & Anna Tullemans’ book get, ‘Disclosing the Diagnosis,’ for free

Books by Anna Tullemans and Sue Larkey:

Product Quantity

The Ultimate Guide to School and Home

| by Sue Larkey and Anna Tullemans | This book provides key strategies for all ages and stages. It offers over 500 practical strategies and timer savers for school and home from engaging disengaged students, what to do if you don't have a teacher assistant to considerations for setting up a classroom for teachers; and from developing friends, to moving house and choosing a school for families. It is the ultimate guide for teachers, parents and all professionals supporting children with autism spectrum disorder, including Aspergers, ADD, ADHD, ODD and other developmental delays.

Content pages below.

The Essential Guide to Secondary School

| by Sue Larkey & Anna Tullemans | Revised and expanded in 2016. A practical guide to secondary school. Ideas for
all staff, from curriculum engagement, accommodations, group work, homework, using technology, behaviour support, organisational skills to building independence. Includes proformas to photocopy and save you time. This book has over 100 pages of proven ideas and strategies. MASSIVE TIME SAVER for busy Teachers & Parents

time saver clock

Disclosing the Diagnosis

By Anna Tullemans - Here is a book that most families are going to devour from cover to cover. It gives really great tips and ideas on how to discuss the issue of diagnosis with your family, your friends and your extended families. It also has really important tips for disclosing the diagnosis to children and siblings. The information is practical and can be used and adapted to lots of different situations.

Talking to Family and Friends about the Diagnosis

| by Anna Tullemans | "Anna has thoughtfully chosen a style that is succinct, easy to understand and practical, which means that this book is unlikely to remain unread and gather dust on someoneÕs bookshelf. Talking to Family and Friends about the Diagnosis will be frequently used for advice and words of wisdom." Excerpt from foreword by Professor Tony Attwood

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Teacher Assistants Big Red Book of Ideas

| by Sue Larkey & Anna Tullemans | Hundreds of ideas you can try. Setting up the classroom, the role of the teacher assistant, behaviour in the classroom and playground, stages of anxiety, transition, sensory toys and activities. Includes frequently asked questions and MORE!

Teacher Assistants Big Blue Book of Ideas

| by Sue Larkey & Anna Tullemans | Companion to the Teacher Assistants Big Red Book of Ideas. Hundreds of new strategies to try. Social skills: playgrounds, friendships, building self esteem, bullying. In the classroom: getting on task, adapting tasks and exams, building independence. Managing anxiety and behaviour.

A Manual To Provide Support and Care for Adults with Autism Spectrum

This is a guide to help support workers to individualise support for each participant in order to help them gain independence, self-reliance and community inclusion.

What's in it for me?

  • Over 80 pages
  • Over 500 Tips & Strategies to provide guidance for adaptations, modifications and understanding to meet the goals of participants
  • Build your expertise to encourage participants to make decisions, find their strengths and use them as building blocks to develop skills

I'm Going to School

| by Anna Tullemans | A workbook for children who are beginning pre-school or school. This book helps them to create a visual guide for preparing for those first steps into a new environment. The children get to take photos and paste them into the book. They can also draw maps to help them find their way around a new school. Each year the book is updated to include the new calendar for that year. It can be used for new students or students who are moving into the next year of school so they can re-acquaint themselves with their new surroundings.

How to Stop Your Words Bumping into Someone Else's

| by Anna Tullemans & Rhonda Dixon | This book has 18 great A4 clear pages with an excellent picture to explain so many of the common challenges students with an ASD face in social and school situations. They include: Getting Someone's Attention, Starting a Conversation, Interrupting, Asking Someone to Play, What if a Person Says 'No'?, Asking for Help, How loud or soft your voice should be, Waiting in Line, Waiting on the Mat and Waiting at your Desk.

Working with Teachers

| by Anna Tullemans | Finally a book for parents and teachers that will make their relationship so much easier. Anna has written this 50 page Õeasy-to-readÕ booklet that will help parents work with teachers in a more productive way.

18 in stock


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Check out my Podcasts where I Interviewed Anna:

Episode 133: Strategies for Support Workers – Sue Larkey & Anna Tullemans

✅ Why we have written this new book for Support Workers, Participants, and their Families/Carers
❤️ The changes we have seen in Disabilities Services and Autism Spectrum. From Institutions to Individualised Programmes – From Autism being considered part of Schizophrenia to having separate diagnosis in DSM 3 in the 1980s to today where we use the term  Autism Spectrum Disorders.
⭐️ Why Switching Tasks can be Challenging and what you can do Support Participants
📌 Adaptive Skills – Why they are important for Capacity Building and Independence
⭐️ Importance of Self Advocacy and using the “This is Me” Proforma in the new book
✅ How Building Independence & Participant Participation underpins our New Book


Educators Guide to Executive Functioning - Why it Impacts Learning and Behaviour & What to Do

This course offers a comprehensive exploration of Executive Functioning. Dive into seven comprehensive lessons, starting with an introduction to Executive Functioning and the impact on learning and behaviour in Neurodiverse students (ASD, ADHD, ODD & PDA) Led by Dean Beadle, International Speaker & Autism Expert, for an enlightening course on Executive Functioning where he gives strategies from his lived experience and evidence-based research.


✅ 2 Hours

📌 Certificate

PRICE $149