Discover Useful Depressive Meltdown Solutions Today!

Trigger Warning

This Podcast and Blog covers content on depression and may be sensitive to some listeners/readers

DisclaimerI am not a Psychologist and highly recommend you do seek help from a Psychologist for students or your children if this Podcast brings up any concerns.

Depression and Autism

One in three autistic adolescents has the signs of clinical depression. Understanding the signs of depression in autistic teens is the first step to improving their quality of life.
Personally, I am seeing this in younger children especially as a result of COVID-19.

What is a depression attack:

An implosion of despair and hopelessness with an intense need to end it all right then and there

– Dr Tony Attwood

Discussed in this Podcast

What Signs to Look out For
What can we do?
✅ Excerpt from Q&A with Dean Beadle – Lived experience of Depressive Meltdown
Fabulous resources I have found helpful when trying to understand what Depressive Meltdowns are and What to do to. Click here to jump to books

Discover Useful Depressive Meltdown Solutions Today!

Enjoyed Exploring Depressive Meltdown Solutions?

Try these Related Podcasts

Episode 75: Dean Beadle Discusses Autistic Identity and What It Means for Him (click here)

Episode 70: Understanding Meltdowns with Jed Baker (click here)

Episode 43: 16 Key Strategies for Sleep (click here)

Join me for a FREE Live Webinar on Getting Ready for next year… yes recommend starting now.

Getting Ready for next year – Top Tips for Transition

Professional Development Courses on Depressive Meltdowns

  • Tony Attwood – click here
  • Teacher Assistant Part 2 – if you have done the TA course with me (what I am now calling Part 1),  contact Geoff for more information the NEW Part 2 TA Course with Dean Beadle

Books and Resources

The Complete Guide To Asperger’s Syndrome

| by Dr Tony Attwood | The definitive handbook for anyone affected by AspergerÕs Syndrome (AS), it brings together a wealth of information for children through to adults. Essential reading for families and individuals as well as teachers, professionals and employers coming in contact with people with AS. This book is a must for anyone who needs to know about this condition.

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Autism Discussion Page on Stress, Anxiety, Shutdowns and Meltdowns: Proactive Strategies for Minimizing Sensory, Social and Emotional Overload

|By Bill Nason |Code G01 | Anxiety, meltdowns and emotional regulation can be hugely challenging for autistic people. This book is full of proactive strategies for understanding, accepting and respecting the processing differences in autism. It contains tools for reducing sensory, social and mental drain, and offers strategies to protect from ongoing stress and anxiety. These help minimize shutdowns and burnout, while maximizing self-esteem, autistic identity and mental health.


Exploring Depression, and Beating the Blues

by Tony Attwood and Michelle Garnett –  Written by leading experts in the field, the book draws on the latest thinking andresearch to suggest strategies for coping with the effects of depression and provides a complete step-by-step CBT self­ help programme, designed specifically for individuals with ASD. The programme helps in crease self-awareness, including identifying personal triggers, and provides the tools to combat depression

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Autism, Bullying and Me

| by Emily Lovegrove | This is the ideal guide for all children and teens with autism. It is full of advice for coping successfully with bullying and debunks myths such as ‘bullying makes you stronger’ and ‘ignore it and it will stop’. You will learn about what bullying is as well as self-empowering strategies and practical tips on how to deal with situations involving bulling.

From Anxiety to Meltdown

| by Deborah Lipsky | How Individuals on the Autism Spectrum Deal with Anxiety, Experience Meltdowns, Manifest Tantrums, and How You Can Intervene Effectively. This is a MUST HAVE book!!

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