Sue Larkey Blog

Helping you “Make a Difference”

Tips, Strategies, Time Savers and Inspiration to help make difference for a child with an ASD in your class, home or community.

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Handwriting Tips For Students with Autism Spectrum

HANDWRITING TIPS ​FOR STUDENTS WITH AUTISM SPECTRUM​Dysgraphia is a deficiency in the ability to write, regardless of the ability to read and not due to intellectual impairment. It is known to be associated with Autism (specifically Asperger Syndrome) and ADHD. Some key facts about children with Dysgraphia: Can usually write on some level, but often lack motor coordination. May find other fine motor tasks such as tying shoes difficult, though often does not affect all fine motor skills. Can lack basic spelling skills (e.g. having difficulties with the letters p, q, b and d). Often will write the wrong word when trying to formulate thoughts (on paper). Generally emerges when the child is first introduced to writing. The child may make inappropriately sized and spaced letters or write wrong or misspelled words despite thorough instruction. Once we have learnt to write we can write without having to concentrate or focus. However for these students it takes a HUGE amount of energy and...

Why Kids on the Spectrum are More Likely to be Perfectionists & What You can do to Support Them

WHY KIDS ON THE SPECTRUM ARE MORE LIKELY TO BE PERFECTIONISTS AND ​WHAT YOU CAN DO TO SUPPORT THEMMany students on the spectrum like everything to be perfect. That is perfectionism perceived by them. This is often due to their literal thinking and one- track mind. This can lead to many challenges at home and school. For example; getting frustrated, not wanting to try new or different things, rigid thinking (I need to be first, I need to win), anxiety (I am a failure, I can’t do x), disengaged, not handing in work as never “finished” to their standard. Many people on the spectrum often have difficulty with “cognitive flexibility”, in other words they have a one-track mind as their thinking tends to be rigid and not adapt to failure or change. This one-track mind can often manifest itself into refusal to try new concepts and activities. A one-track mind can look like  Student continues using incorrect strategies and not learning from mistakes  Not listening to advice  Compulsion for...

Growing Up Autistic: 11 Tips for Teenagers with Autism by Chris Bonnello

11 TIPS FOR GROWING UP ON THE AUTISM SPECTRUM  ARTICLE WRITTEN BY CHRIS BONNELLO  I was the weird kid. More specifically, I was the boy with Asperger Syndrome before anyone knew what Asperger Syndrome was. When I was ten, an educational pscyhologist came to assess me. Today one of those assessments would give me an immediate diagnosis, and my parents and teachers would be offered advice on how to help me where I struggled. But of course, it was 1995. So this professional pscyhologist wrote down "slightly odd personality" on his form and that's where it ended. (I'm not kidding, that is a literal quote from the report he wrote and submitted). Growing up on the autism spectrum can be difficult. Especially if, as I've described before, you're on the "mild" end of the spectrum - 'normal enough' for people to have high expectations of you, but just 'autistic enough' to really struggle to achieve them. If you're growing up on the spectrum, these tips were written for you. I grew up with...

Using Cooking To Teach Children with Autism

USING COOKING TO TEACH CHILDREN WITH AUTISM Cooking! One of the best ways to Teach Everything from life skills, social skills, maths, science, english and more! Cooking is a daily activity for everyone. It is a wonderful activity to teach ALL ages and stages. Cooking is an activity families, schools, community groups - indeed anyone can do it, and it provides long time recreation and independent living skills.  Through cooking you can teach all curriculum areas. By providing a structured programme with goals/ learning outcomes you can develop a cooking programme that addresses the learning style and needs of the individual student. One child may use the programme to learn to read while another may use it to communicate, using visuals. I have worked in may schools where Teacher Assistants/ Aides/ Support Staff take groups to do cooking activities. It is a FUN way to teach lots of skills.10 Ways to Use Cooking To Teach Children with AutismSequencing: cut up recipes and get the child...

Tips and Strategies For Girls With Autism

TIPS AND STRATEGIES FOR GIRLS WITH AUTISM Subscribe to this podcast via your favourite app Join my newsletter for more awesome information about ASD9 Ways Girls with Autism Differ to Boys with AutismTheir special interests are usually animals, music, art, literature.They often have a very good imagination which includes imaginary friends, games, being animals or taking on persona of other girls.They often see speech therapists for their speech and may be diagnosed with specific language disorders however there is something different about this girl no one can quite put their finger on.They often play with older children or much younger children. This play is sometimes unusual for example ‘Mums and Dads’ but she will want to play the same role and game every time. She usually wants to be the pet or baby, whereas most girls want to be the Mum or Dad.They often have hyperlexia – the ability to read but comprehension does not always match their reading skills. They are often the class...

Hyperlexia and Reading

Hyperlexia: TEACHING READING TO CHILDREN WITH AUTISM  Subscribe to this podcast via your favourite app Join my newsletter for more awesome information about ASD The ability to read is an essential skill that spans a child’s school-age years and beyond. Reading provides personal enjoyment, access to information, and opens doors to opportunities throughout life, both recreational and occupational. Because the ability to read and comprehend is closely linked to an individual’s language abilities and social understanding and social skills, children with autism often struggle with the process of reading. (Excerpt from How Do I Teach this Kid to Read by Kimberley Henry, page viii) Teaching children to learn to read with an ASD​ can be very different to teaching other children. There are a few additional challenges to teaching reading to a hyperlexic child on the autism spectrum for parents and teachers. This may include: They have an interest in letters and sounds but can’t decode them,...

How to Help Reading Comphrension Autism

Strategies for Common Behaviours in Children with Autism

Strategies for Common Behaviours in Children with Autism Subscribe to this podcast via your favourite app Join my newsletter for more awesome information about ASD Today I will be interviewing Beth Aune! Beth is a pediatric occupational theraprist with over 22 years experience, which includes working in the Special Education department in many schools. This vast experience and knowledge shines through in her easy to read books which are jam packed with tips & strategies that you can quickly implement. Her books are called Behaviour Solutions however I personally call them ‘See a Behaviour Look It Up’ as they are such easy references and allow you to try strategies on the go. Beth has kindly answered a number of questions from my Sue Larkey Podcast Community so please listen if you would like to hear what she said! In my interview with Beth we discuss How parents inspired her to write her first book How to help kids who mimic behaviours from other people How to overcome body...

How Do I Tell A Child They Have Autism?

HOW DO I TELL A CHILD THEY HAVE AUTISM?  Subscribe to this podcast via your favourite app Join my newsletter for more awesome information about ASD Argh one of the number one questions that parents have and a very complex one!         This week for my podcast episode I interviewed Dean Beadle. Dean has toured the UK and internationally for fifteen years as an autistic speaker and trainer. He is also a proud promoter of the autistic voice, encouraging and empowering other autistic people to share their experiences and insights too.     In this episode Dean explains when he found out his diagnosis and his advice and guidance for parents who are wondering about when to disclose a diagnosis to their child.   In my interview with Dean we discuss Autistic identity – follow Dean’s personal account of reclaiming his own identity Why Dean doesn’t like the word “label” and why we should call it a diagnosis The negative narrative which surrounds autism and how to positively reframe it How to...

How to Use The Red Beast to Teach Children About Anger with K.I. Al-Ghani

HOW TO USE THE RED BEAST TO TEACH CHILDREN ABOUT ANGER WITH AUTHOR K.I. AL-GHANI Subscribe to this podcast via your favourite app Join my newsletter for more awesome information about ASDToday I will be interviewing K.I. Al-Ghani. Kay is a lecturer in autism spectrum at the University of Brighton, Autism Transer, Specialist Teacher, Author of multiple books and most importantly, mother of a son wtih autism who will soon be 35! Kay is the author of many books but the one which most of you will know best is “The Red Beast: Controlling Anger in Children with Asperger’s Syndrome”.  Kay’s other books help children understand anxiety, disappointment, jealously, ADHD and her most recent book focuses on PDA. All her books are available on my website and below In my interview with Kay we discuss ✅ How Kay was inspired to write by one of her students who had violent rages and they couldn’t find the trigger ✅ How Kay got her son to draw as a method of communication when he was younger and...

Understanding Social Skills and Autism with 10 Tips

10 Tips for Autism and Social Skills Subscribe to this podcast via your favourite app Join my newsletter for more awesome information about ASD The relationship between social skills and autism is complex and multi-layered. Everyone makes some social mistakes but on the whole we are quick to recognise our errors and act to repair them. However, students with autism are seriously disadvantaged socially as they have great difficulty understanding non-verbal communication, such as facial expression, body language and/or tone of voice. Their literal interpretation of language means that they frequently misunderstand the actual words. I have put together 10 Top Tips to help you when teaching social skills to students with autism       Initially, it may seem challenging to integrate social skills and autism as interpersonal skills are are complex and so much depends on ‘reading’ an individual, and adjusting to the individual situation as it evolves. We often do not realise exactly...

Everything You Need to Know About Puberty and Periods with Robyn Steward

PUBERTY: Preparing for Success at Home and School Subscribe to this podcast via your favourite appJoin my newsletter for more awesome information about ASD Puberty is part of natural development for all children. Puberty usually starts in girls around 10-11 and boys 11-12. Menstruation for girls typically occurs between 12 and 13, while voice changes for boys is often around 15. We ALL need to have on-going discussions with the child and this is where having both home and school helping the child’s understanding is vital. Boys and girls need to know about their changes and changes in the opposite sex too (particularly, if they have opposite sex siblings or are at co-ed schools). It is important to start sharing this information with them before the changes occur otherwise the children may worry that something is wrong with them. I know some parents who talk about the changes before they happen and then as they happen their children tell them and they celebrate! Open, honest and...

Best Tips for Employment for People with Autism and Neurodiversity

Best Tips for Employment for People with Autism and Neurodiversity Subscribe to this podcast via your favourite app Join my newsletter for more awesome information about ASDYenn is an autistic author, speaker and advocate. Yenn is an avid writer not only writing fabulous books but also has a wonderful blog (check it out here). Yenn has authored numerous books covering everything from Women with AS, Mental Health, Education and more which are all available on my website.        I find Yenn’s writings and weekly quotes a source of insight, understanding & inspiration. Yenn has a diagnosis of Asperger Syndrome and atypical schizophrenia. For me, Yenn’s sharing of their mental health challenges helps me support the students I know and their families. Two years ago Yenn affirmed that they are non-binary and changed their name from Jeanette to Yenn. I am just letting you all know, as many of their books are under the name ‘Jeanette Purkis’ and I would hate for you to miss out on...