Sue Larkey Blog
Helping you “Make a Difference”
Tips, Strategies, Time Savers and Inspiration to help make difference for a child with an ASD in your class, home or community.
Episode 166: How to Create a Calm Area & My Top 10 Resources Every School Needs for Emotional Regulation
How to Create a Calm Area & My Top 10 Resources Every School Needs for Emotional Regulation Discover Calm Area Resources for Emotional Regulation today! This Weeks Podcast was Created after a Question from Trish: "I am currently in the middle of setting up a calm corner/area within my senior preschool room (4-5years) my kids understand that this area is to be used when they are feeling overwhelmed or just need a little break away. Would love for ideas on what I can add to this area" Discussed in this Podcast: ✅ Everyone is different. When you create a calm area ask children what they would like to calm them. ✅ Teach how to take a break and what type of break they need. Ie calm corner, toilet, drink, food & movement break. ✅ High energy area ✅ Sensory toys and tools ✅ The Space: Don’t overload the space! And make sure the space isn’t a desired play area 1. Everyone is differentWhen you create a calm area ask children what they would like to calm them. Sue’s TOP Pick...
Episode 165: Strategies & Insights to Inform your Teaching Practice with Temple Grandin and Sue Larkey
Strategies & Insights to Inform Your Teaching Practice with Temple Grandin and Sue Larkey Learn Temple Grandin Teaching Strategies today! Welcome to our blog exploring Temple Grandin teaching strategies. Temple Grandin is a renowned figure in the field of autism and education, known for her unique perspective and groundbreaking contributions. In this episode, we will delve into the strategies behind her amazing success and how they can be applied in the classroom. Temple Grandin Educational Methods We will learn about the power of visual communication and how to use special interests to engage students. You will discover new ways to motivate and support learners. Temple Grandin Instructional Techniques We will delve into important topics such as identifying signs of anxiety, implementing preventative breaks, and overcoming participation barriers. Additionally, we will provide you with a wealth of resources and sensory tools to help bring these techniques to life. Get...
Episode 164: Webinar Replay – Often Overlooked Causes of Behaviour & What you can do about it !
Webinar replay - Include social emotional learning to tackle Overlooked Causes of Behaviour What You Will Learn in this Webinar✅ What Role do Sensory Solutions have in De-escalating Behaviour & Increasing Participation? ✅ Benefits of a Simple Sensory Programme in your Classroom ✅ What is SPD? ✅ How to Identify Students who could have SPD ✅ Checklist to Identify Underlying Sensory Causes of Behaviour ✅ The MOST Overlooked Sensory Tools & How to use ✅ Quickfire Solutions to Implement this Week Understand Overlooked-Causes-of-Behaviour Today!Sign up to Watch the Replay My Live Virtual Webinar last week was a success! But it’s not too late if you missed it – sign up to watch the Replay of the hour of power! Available for a limited time Sign Up Includes: ✅ E-book with over 100 tips & strategies ✅ Webinar Replay ✅ Handout Temple Grandin ONline CoursEJoin this essential course to enhance your teaching practice and create an inclusive, supportive environment...
Episode 163: Why Understanding Sensory can be the Key to Engagement in Your Classroom
WhY Understanding Sensory Can be The Key To Engagement IN Your Classroom Learn why Sensory is the Key to Engagement Today! Discussed in this Episode: ✅ Simple Classroom Adaptations That Make a Huge Difference to students and YOU ✅ Do you know what to look for to Recognise SPD? ✅ Busy Classroom Teacher Strategies to help Students Self Regulate ✅ 8 Warning Signs of Slow Processing Speed – Plus What Simple Modifications & Strategies to Help ✅ Why Do They Do That? 12 Common Behaviours Explained & Strategies to Try ✅ 3 BIG Barriers to Participation Every Educator needs to Rule Out ✅ Heaps of Resources and Sensory Tools Understand why Sensory is the Key to Engagement!Free E-Book with over 100 Tips & Strategies Teaching in a busy and complex classroom can be very difficult, but this term I have collated my top Proven Sensory Strategies to increase engagement and participation. A sensory focus is crucial to maximise class engagement, as well as to understand the often...
Episode 162: What I learnt from Temple Grandin and How this Can Help You Too
What I Learnt From Temple Grandin And How This Can Help You Too Learn from Temple Grandin Today! Discussed in this Episode: ✅ Share her insights on sensory processing, social skills and behaviour ✅ How amygdala impacts behaviour and sensory processing ✅ Why there is an increased emotional response to stimuli ✅ Why we need to use specific strategies ✅ How Temple Grandin inspired me ✅ Why people with ASD do what they do Learn from Temple Grandin and discuss the Amygdala today!The Amygdala and ASD Have you heard of the ‘Amygdala’? Did you know it is thought that an enlarged amygdala could be causing anxiety, sensory processing differences, and more. The amygdala is part of the limbic system within the brain, which is responsible for emotions, survival instincts, and memory. In his workshops Dr Tony Attwood discusses the studies that have found that the amygdala is enlarged in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). He believes this is why we see children not being able...
Episode 161: How to Create Progress (Not Perfection) for Children with Autism Spectrum (Best Strategy for Every Age and Stage)
How to Create Progress (Not Perfection) Creating Progress over Perfection for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (Best Strategy for Every Age and Stage) Discussed in this Episode: ✅ Are you feeling overwhelmed? This is the perfect podcast for you ✅ Slow it down break it down ✅ The Power of One more ✅ How to use the “one more” strategy at each age and stage ✅ What is your goal for next 2 months? What to do to achieve ✅ Small Steps NOT Giant Leaps ✅ 12 Top Tips for Keeping on Task - (pg 34 Mega Book- More Information) ✅ Importance of Routine, Repetition and Role Model ✅ Using Special Interest to Motivate (pg 33 Mega Book - More Information) Start Creating Progress Over Perfection Today!What is your Goal? One more word One more sentence One for minute/hour/day One more subject One more hour at a job Four Laws of Behaviour ChangeFrom the book Atomic Habits by James Clear pg 54 Law 1: Make it Obvious Law 2: Make it Attractive Law 3: Make it Easy Law 4: Make it Satisfying12...
Episode 160: Help Build Interoception and Internal Body Awareness. Interview with Bestselling Author Kay Al-Ghani
heLP BUILD INteroception AND INTERNAL BODY AWARENESS With Best Selling Author Kay AL-GhanI Discover Interoception and Internal Body Awareness Today! Discussed in this Episode: ✅ Inspiration for the book - Zen Snow Monkeys on Youtube ✅ Why & how to use Therapeutic Storytelling ✅ Why Kay wanted to write a storybook about Interoception ✅ How Haitham has used his love of drawing to become an Illustrator ✅ How to use the book and other great resources that are available with the book ✅ Lots of insights and ideas for teaching children with Autism Discover Interoception and Internal Body Awareness Today!SCroll Down to See ALl oF Kays Beautiful Book Show This TO YOUr CHildren When You Read Them The BookAlso Discussed in This Episode:1. Research into Therapeutic storytelling Red Beast Study 2. Haitham's Cartoon Animation for George Formby Society 3. Story Of The Little Mole Who Knew It Was None Of His Business By: Werner Holzwarth, Wolf Erlbruch...
Episode 159: The Often Overlooked Strategies: Routines and Repetition ?
The Often Overlooked Strategies: Routines and Repetition Discover the Overlooked Strategies of Routines and Repetition Today! Discussed in this Episode: ✅ Why use repetition ✅ How to us repetition across all ages and stages ✅ Why use routines ✅ Key routines to support engagement ✅ Why repetition and routines will save you time ✅ Quick tips and strategies to implement this week Harness the Overlooked Strategies of Routines and Repetition!Why Harness the Overlooked Strategies of Routines and Repetition?1. Predictable (No more lost things & No more not knowing what to do) 2. Increase Independence (Helps getting started & builds confidence as know what to do when) 3. Less preparation time - Repeating tasks = Reuse same activities 4. Less working memory - Know what is required whenPeople with ASD OFten have Difficulty with Organisation Some examples where Routines and Repetition could help your Students are: Forgetting or losing things. Difficulty moving from one activity...
Episode 158: Why Perfectionists can get Upset Over the Smallest Things and What you can do?
Why Perfectionists can get upset Over the Smallest Things And What you Can Do? Learn Strategies to Overcome Perfectionism Today! Discussed in this Episode: ✅ 5 Categories of ‘things’ that can upset perfectionists ✅ The underlying reasons why Neurodiverse students are upset by small things ✅ What to do ✅ Why knowing how long is so important ✅ Range of Visuals to Use Harness Strategies to Overcome Perfectionism Today!WHY Students with ASD don't want to 'Have a Go' and How you Can Help? A key part of increasing participation and engagement is getting students to “have a go” BUT……..have you ever noticed making mistakes is particularly frustrating for students with ASD? If so, learn these Strategies to Overcome Perfectionism Today! This is because people with ASD often have difficulty with “cognitive flexibility” in other words they have a one track mind, their thinking tends to be rigid and not adapt to failure or change. One of the characteristics associated with this...
Episode 157: How to Create Independence for students on the Autism Spectrum using 3 Key Ingredients
How to Create Independence for students on the Autism Spectrum using 3 Key Ingredients Perfect Strategies to Increase Independence Today! Discussed in this Episode: ✅ Time is the Number one Accommodation and Adjustment every classroom needs to puts in place ✅ 4 Types of Schedules ✅ Why you need a range of Schedules ✅ Why knowing how long is so important ✅ Range of Visuals to Use ✅ Timer + Visual + Schedule = Independence Harness Strategies to Increase Independence Now!3 Key Ingredients - Timer + Visual + Schedule = INdependenceTIMERS1. Tell the child HOW long and WHEN they are going to have to do an activity. 2. Timers allow us to pre-warn: It answer many of the questions these children have: What is happening?, What order?, What time?, What is next?, How long? Schedules/To Do Lists/Routines are a vital tool for children with an ASDMany children have difficulties accepting change and transition from one thing to another – a schedule helps them see and understand what is...
Episode 156: From Learning to Communicate to Learning to Drive: Mum of Twins with Autism shares her Experiences
From Learning to Communicate to Learning to Drive: Mum with Twins shares Her Autism Experiences Learn about Communicating as a Parent Today! Discussed in this Episode: ✅ Interview Joanne Copeland ✅ Why she had written book “Footsteps of Two” ✅ Joanne shares how she hadn’t even heard of the word Autism when diagnosed ✅ Importance of focusing on one thing at a time & do not worry how long it takes to achieve you will get there. ✅ How finding Autistic Mentor for her daughter helped her understand many of her daughters challenges and how to support her ✅ Supporting her with Twins finding Post School options Explore the importance of Communicating as a Parent Today! Why did you write the book?Basically, I had a lot of information within me I wanted to share with other people, the experience and knowledge I had gained from 18 years of assisting my twins with Autism to ‘find their road’ and to believe. I felt a had a story that needed to be heard. A story that would help...
Episode 155: Top Tips for Busy and Complex Classrooms – Webinar Replay
TOp TIps FOr BUSY AND COMPLEX CLASSROOMs Webinar replay Learn how to Manage a Busy and Complex Classroom Today!My Live Virtual Webinar last week was a success! But it's not too late if you missed it - sign up HERE to watch the Replay of the hour of power! FREE sign up includes: E-book Webinar Replay Handout What Will You Learn in the Webinar?✅ Key Limitations in Inclusive Classrooms & How to Address ✅ Theory of Mind & Impact in your classroom ✅ 3 Essential Requirements for Success in Busy Classrooms ✅ Tips to Promoting Understanding in your class ✅ What is Neurodiversity & How does that look for your students? ✅ Smart Goals and Why Important ✅ 11 Top Tips to Keep Neurodiverse Students on Task in Busy & Complex classrooms Manage a Busy and Complex Classroom Today!What WERE PARTICiPaNTS NUMBER 1 TAKEAWAYS?📌 Remembering students can learn by watching peers. 😀 I need to use more repetition. Make sure I set up for success and use preventative breaks. ✅ Simplify my...