Sue Larkey Blog

Helping you “Make a Difference”

Tips, Strategies, Time Savers and Inspiration to help make difference for a child with an ASD in your class, home or community.

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Episode 144 – Q&A from Free Webinar

Sue Answers YOUR Questions From Webinar Webinar Replay QnA In this Podcast Sue goes through questions from a live audience providing tips, strategies and ideas on how to make a difference helping you and the kids you know. Webinar Replay QnA Questions Answered: How Do You Introduce Visuals How Do You Stop Soiling How Do I Stop Injury type behaviour, whether it is sensory seeking or a form of self harm? How Do I transition Students? Where do I sit a student that is a runner? What do I do to support a Student that is rubbing themselves? The School doesn't sort students into Classes until week 3 or 5 increasing anxiety in my kids, how do I approach the school to change this? Which books are the best for a kindergarten teacher? How Do I help a child that constantly licks everything? How do I help with Anxiety? What's the best way to transition students in a multiclass mainstream school? Can you provide strategies to motivate students who are avoiding tasks? How Do You Carry on...

Episode 143: Webinar Replay – 18 Key Strategies for Setting Up Your Classroom

Webinar replay - 18 key strategies for ​setting up your classroom Unlock the secrets of Setting Up Your Classroom for results today!  My Live Webinar last week was a success! But it's not too late - sign up HERE to watch the Replay of the hour of power! FREE sign up includes: 🎆 E-book🎆 Webinar Replay🎆 Handout In the Free Webinar You Will Learn: How to Structure the Classroom to Reduce Behaviour Quick and Easy Adjustments to Implement, e.g. where to position a child How to make the most of your Support Time Using Students’ Strengths to Reduce Stress Supporting Students Socially and Emotionally How to Identify the Underlying Causes of Disengagement/Behaviour 1 hour of POWER – Strategies to Make a Difference to You and the Kids you know 18 Key STRATEGIES FOR SETTING UP YOUR CLASSROOM Excerpt from the free E-book Setting Up Your Classroom For Success by Sue Larkey1. Position in ClassroomSeating, mat time, assembly, parades, etc. Have a set position for the student which takes...

Episode 142: Setting Up Your Classroom For Success in 2022

SETTING UP YOUR CLASSROOM ​FOR SUCCESS Unlock your Classroom Setup for Success Today! Subscribe to this podcast via your favourite app Join my newsletter for more awesome information about ASDSetting up your classroom at the start of the year for a new class of nuerodiverse learners is always a challenge. Not sure what 'neurodiversity' means? Listen to my podcast on why I love this term! I always find it is so important to prepare your classroom properly for children who learn and engage differently. This helps get the best out of your students, as well as helping to reduce behaviour. I am hoping to help you set up your classroom with a FREE live webinar and FREE E-book to make sure your 2022 is a success! This free E-book has over 100 tips and strategies to help you this year. Make sure you download it so you can read along while I talk through it in this week's Podcast! Find your own Classroom Setup for Success Today!What you will learn: ✅ The 13 Most Important Strategies✅ Bonus...

Episode 141: How to Help Children With Separation Anxiety

How to Help CHildren With Separation anxiety Help Children with Separation Anxiety Today!13 Tips to Help Children with Separation Anxiety By Sue LarkeySeparation anxiety from people, friends, objects and pets is really common for children with special needs. I came up with these 13 tips just for you, as well as reaching out to my online Facebook community for more examples! Learn how to Help Children with Separation Anxiety Today!1.    Transition starts the day before. I talk about this a lot - you may recognise it from my Workshops! Don't forget I'm running these Workshops again in 2022!2.    Use transitional objects. These can be from home or waiting at school.3.    Have a routine. Stop problems before they happen!4.    Use Time + Schedules or use a portable timer with a schedule. I'm having a SALE on timers on my website - 10% off ALL timers! CLICK HERE to see more.5.    Exercise!6.    Use the stepladder approach. Step by step help children become more used to situations where...

Episode 140: 10 Tools Every School & Home Needs in 2022

10 TOOLS EVERY SCHOOL & HOME NEEDS  Discover my Top 10 Tools Everyone Needs Today! There are so many resources now available to help teach and care for children on the autism spectrum and it can be difficult to know which ones will be the most helpful – and this is a question I am most often asked. So here is my TOP 10 RECOMMENDED TOOLS for you at school or at home! For those of you looking for support in understanding autism spectrum and the children you work with, as well as strategies for behaviour support, these resources are perfect. And if you are looking to build your professional library, these books will be perfect for you. Either download your order form and email it to: order online below! Top 10 ToolsCheck out my Podcast about Girls on the Spectrum:Episode 84: What Clinical Psychologist Danuta Wishes People Knew About Girls On The Spectrum Girls with autism are often undiagnosed or diagnosed much later, because original diagnostic criteria...

Supporting Neurodiverse Students

Episode 139: Using Boardgames to Support Social & Emotional Development

USING BOARDGAMES TO SUPPORT SOCIAL & EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Harness the Power of Boardgames to Support Development Today! Subscribe to this podcast via your favourite app Join my newsletter for more awesome information about ASDBoardgames and card games are perfect for supporting social and emotional development. Especially in this time of COVID, where people are worried about the social development of children, boardgames can really help encourage learning of crucial social skills, including winning & losing, turn-taking, sharing, and much more. Plus this week on the blog I dive into microgames, a genre of super fast, easy-to-learn games, thanks to teacher Richard Black. Utilise Boardgames to Support Development!What this podcast contains ✅ "Emotional Literacy" explained ✅ Why talking about your own emotions is important ✅ Sue reads an excerpt from the book, The Red Beast (check out my podcast where I interveiw the author here) ✅ How to use the Socially Speaking Boardgame...

Episode 138: Finding Your Flow in 2022 with Special Guest

Finding Your Flow in 2022 Featuring a Special Guest Unlock Your FLOW Today! Discussed in this episode: Why is it some days everything seems to flow with ease and grace, while other days it seems like chaos? In this episode, I interview my husband Andrew to discuss the concepts made popular by researcher Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi in his book "FLOW". ✅ How to utilise Motivation to make a difference to you and the kids you know ✅ Challenge Skills Matrix. Don’t be afraid of extending and challenging. This is covered in depth within the Temple Grandin Course Lesson 1 - Stretching. See below for more information on the course. This is very similar to the educational concept called Zone of Proximal Development - "is the distance between what a learner is not currently capable of doing unsupported, and what they can do unsupported."   (source: ✅ Belief “It is lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges and I...

Episode 137: Key Strategies for Toilet Training Kids with Autism

KEY STRATEGIES FOR TOILET TRAINING KIDS WITH AUTISM Learn how to Toilet Train kids with Autism Today! Subscribe to this podcast via your favourite app Join my newsletter for more awesome information about ASDToilet training kids is a big task even for neuro-typical children. Parents often procrastinate over when to start and we keep delaying it for whatever reason we can think of! My biggest concern for children with ASD is if they are not out of nappies by five years of age then they often start to lose muscle control and can end up with long term bowel and bladder issues. Toileting is not something that the child will grow into or get better with age. We all need to action ASAP – and this includes schools. If a child is attending pre-school or school when the parents are toilet training then everyone needs to get behind the toileting programme and provide consistency all day every day until the child has mastered it. Learn how to Toilet Train Kids with Autism Today!When to Start...

Episode 136: Finding Autistic Joy & More – An Interview with Dean Beadle

FINDING AUTISTIC JOY AND MORE - AND INTERVIEW WITH DEAN BEADLE Subscribe to this podcast via your favourite app Join my newsletter for more awesome information about ASDWe are on a roll with role models at the moment!! Did you listen to last week's podcast on why it's so important to have role models with lived experience - check it out here. One of my biggest role models is Dean Beadle, an autistic speaker and trainer. Dean is a proud promoter of the autistic voice, encouraging and empowering other autistic people to share their experiences and insights too. I am a huge fan of Dean’s work and have toured with him in the past. He is so inspiring and I’m sure you will all enjoy listening to Dean’s personal experience and insight as much as I did!   What this Podcast Contains: ✅ Autistic identity – follow Dean’s personal account of reclaiming his own identity✅ Why Dean doesn’t like the word “label” and why we should call it a diagnosis✅ The negative narrative which surrounds autism...

Episode 135: The Importance of Role Models with a Lived Experience – For You & the Kids you Know

The Importance of Role Models with Lived Experience - For You & the Kids you Know Learn from Role Models with Lived Experience Today! Subscribe to this podcast via your favourite app Join my newsletter for more awesome information about ASDContinue spreading the holiday share this week - Give the Gift of Understanding! Role models are so important for promoting understanding, especially for children. I have found that hearing from someone with lived experience, and seeing what they have achieved can be so empowering for the kids I know. Do you think it can help you too? For more on lived experience, check out Podcast Episode 115. Looking to do some holiday reading? Why not read books by authors with lived experience - click here for more information. What this Podcast Contains: Page numbers refer to the Holiday Newsletter - download it HERE (no sign up required) ✅ Sharing Diagnosis - Why, When and How to tell my Child (pages 8-9)✅ Promoting Understanding (page 5)✅ Using...

Episode 134: Give the Gift of Understanding this Holiday Season – Ideas and Tips

GIVE THE GIFT OF UNDERSTANDING THIS HOLIDAY SEASON - IDEAS AND TIPS Learn how to give the gift of understanding today! Subscribe to this podcast via your favourite app Join my newsletter for more awesome information about ASDThis podcast is all about celebrating diverstiy this holiday season, as well as providing heaps of tips for end of year activities (including concerts, big gatherings, etc.). Click here to jump straight to the holiday sale! Let's celebrate ALL our differences and Give the gift of understanding this Holidays!It's ok to be different - WE ALL AREWhy the Holidays are a Great Time to Discuss Difference Holidays Season is a great time to talk about differences. There are so many different celebrations, traditions, religions, languages, countries, cultures & more. We should always be celebrating difference and this is a great time to be talking about it. Click here to jump straight to ideas for activity! It's a great time to start conversions about differences....

Episode 133: Strategies for Support Workers – Sue Larkey & Anna Tullemans

FREE E-BOOK FROM SUE LARKEY & ANNA TULLEMANS Learn Strategies for Support Workers Today! Subscribe to this podcast via your favourite app Join my newsletter for more awesome information about ASD A new E-Book: Top Strategies for Support Workers - Top Tips for Supporting Adults with Autism Spectrum This free E-Book is full of tip sheets and ideas to assist support workers in looking after adults on the autism spectrum. This E-Book also perfectly compliments a brand new book by Anna Tullemans and Sue Larkey: A Manual to Provide Support and Care for Adults with Autism Spectrum.   Discussed in this Podcast ✅ Why we have written this new book for Support Workers, Participants, and their Families/Carers❤️ The changes we have seen in Disabilities Services and Autism Spectrum. From Institutions to Individualised Programmes - From Autism being considered part of Schizophrenia to having separate diagnosis in DSM 3 in the 1980s to today where we use the term  Autism Spectrum...