Webinar replay – 18 key strategies for ​setting up your classroom

Unlock the secrets of Setting Up Your Classroom for results today!


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My Live Webinar last week was a success! But it’s not too late – sign up HERE to watch the Replay of the hour of power!

FREE sign up includes:

🎆 E-book
🎆 Webinar Replay
🎆 Handout

In the Free Webinar You Will Learn:

  • How to Structure the Classroom to Reduce Behaviour
  • Quick and Easy Adjustments to Implement, e.g. where to position a child
  • How to make the most of your Support Time
  • Using Students’ Strengths to Reduce Stress
  • Supporting Students Socially and Emotionally
  • How to Identify the Underlying Causes of Disengagement/Behaviour
  • 1 hour of POWER – Strategies to Make a Difference to You and the Kids you know


Excerpt from the free E-book Setting Up Your Classroom For Success by Sue Larkey

1. Position in Classroom

Seating, mat time, assembly, parades, etc.

Have a set position for the student which takes into account:

  • Who they are next to
  • Where in the room or group they are
  • How close they are to the teacher
  • Some students prefer to be near a door so they can leave if anxiety is building (particularly in secondary school)
  • Distractions
      • Whether they are too close to favourite acitivies like books, computers, Lego, etc.
      • Sensory distrations – noises, smells, lighting, objects hanging too close

2. Bags / Lockers / Tote Boxes

Ensure neurodiverse students are at the quiet end of the row. Students often don’t like being touched, feeling crowded or the noise that happens in the busy areas.

3. Writing

60% of students with ASD have dysgraphia. This means handwriting can be messy, slow or sometimes even avoided, especially as they get older. You may need to consider allowing iPads, computers and other forms of technology as their means of writing as the goal is that they do the work. In the younger years pencil grips can support handwriting skills.

4. Organisation

ASD students often find organisation of their school equipment very difficult. Limit the number of books, and equipment, perhaps set up system like colour coding to help with organisation.

5. Quiet Area

Ensure there is an area where the student can retreat to if they are feeling overwhelmed. This can be a quiet table, reading corner, outside the classroom in hallway, alcove, office, etc. Some students also need to be placed near a door in the classroom or assembly as they need a perceived escape route.

6. Teacher Assistants / Education Support Officers

Consider how best to use support time effectively in the first few weeks. You may need them to make additional support materials, schedules, visuals, social stories, organisation, etc. See Teacher Assistants Big Red Book of Ideas.

7. Schedules / Timetables / Timers

These are VITAL no matter what age. This may be in a range of formats such as photos, visuals or words. Using a Timer supports the schedule and allows students to know HOW LONG activities will take. Click here to buy timers.


Educators Guide to Executive Functioning - Why it Impacts Learning and Behaviour & What to Do

This course offers a comprehensive exploration of Executive Functioning. Dive into seven comprehensive lessons, starting with an introduction to Executive Functioning and the impact on learning and behaviour in Neurodiverse students (ASD, ADHD, ODD & PDA) Led by Dean Beadle, International Speaker & Autism Expert, for an enlightening course on Executive Functioning where he gives strategies from his lived experience and evidence-based research.


✅ 2 Hours

📌 Certificate

PRICE $149

8. Note Pad and Pen

Always carry a note book and pen for when things change – we tend to talk too much. These children are visual and if you can write it down or draw a picture it can stop behaviour escalating.

9. Reading

Be aware many students have hyperlexia where they can decipher written words but do not comprehend what they are reading.

10. Recess / Lunch

Make sure they know boundaries, days they are allowed on equipment, where to go if there’s a problem, safe places, when the library is open, clubs they can join, etc. Have solutions in place for common playground behaviours. Consider using lunchtime clubs and passive playgrounds.

11. Toilet / Drink

Many students with ASD will not access these at the same time as other students. It is recommended you send them out during class time to the toilet and get a drink as this can impact on their learning. BE AWARE they may not ask you to go to the toilet – you will need to send them.

Interoception is the ability to understand the signals your body is telling you. Many children with Autism Spectrum struggle with interoceptive sense, and cannot tell when they are thirsty or need the toilet. Learn more here.

12. Sensory Tools

Many students require sensory tools to focus, process or calm. You will probably need to provide a range of sensory tools for the student. This may include a sensory mat to sit on, fidget tools, chewy necklaces, tubes or pencil toppers.

13. Eating

Because of their sensory processing difficulties some students find it hard to eat at appropriate times because the smells of other student’s food or even the sound of them eating many be overwhelming. You may need to allow them to eat separately from other students.

**Early Years**: please note the above considerations are also important for your setting. You may need to also consider structure for nap times and often you will encounter more sensory issues because of the type of activities the children are engaged in, for example more play and craft activities can mean more sensory activities.

Learn more about sensory strategies on page 109 of Sue Larkey’s MEGA BOOK!

Sue Larkey’s MEGA BOOK of Timesavers, Tips & Strategies for Busy and Complex Classrooms

A MEGA book full of my most Popular Blogs, Tip Sheets and more in one easy to use reference! This book is for all ages and stages, for teaching neurodiverse students including Autism Spectrum, ADHD, ODD, PDA and more!

Includes index to quickly look up Topic & Tips, as well as ideas for all parts of teaching and looking after neurodiverse children. 142 pages of Strategies & Tips at YOUR Fingertips.

14. Lining Up

Have a set place or partner in the line.

15. Partners / Group Work / Teams

Select groups in advance. Consider students who are supportive and good role models.

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16. Changing Environments / Staff

Having a timetable is vital as it pre-warns about upcoming changes. Transition periods (e.g. between class, start and end of the year, etc.) are the periods which have the most behaviour. Learn more about why change = behaviour here.

17. Classroom Expectations

Make clear, concise and explicit rules.

18. Parents / Carers

Let staff know any additional or successful strategies to further support your child, and vice versa. The best care for the children you know will come from a collaboration between school and home.

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Products Mentioned in Free E-Book: Setting Up your Classroom for Success

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The Ultimate Guide to School and Home

| by Sue Larkey and Anna Tullemans | This book provides key strategies for all ages and stages. It offers over 500 practical strategies and timer savers for school and home from engaging disengaged students, what to do if you don't have a teacher assistant to considerations for setting up a classroom for teachers; and from developing friends, to moving house and choosing a school for families. It is the ultimate guide for teachers, parents and all professionals supporting children with autism spectrum disorder, including Aspergers, ADD, ADHD, ODD and other developmental delays.

Content pages below.

The Motor Skill Flip-Book Program

| by Sally McNamara  -  An easy-to-use resource for therapists, teachers, aides and parents. Developed by a paediatric occupational therapist in response to demand for quick and easy motor skill programs for children. Five colour-coded areas of motor development incorporating the whole body; including core strength, shoulder stability, gross motor coordination, fine motor coordination, and pencil control skills. 100 mix and match activities of varying degrees of difficulty that can be tailored to each child, or group of children, quickly and easily. Beneficial for children who experience handwriting difficulties as well as general coordination and motor development issues. Star system allows for evaluation of skill level and the ability to track progress and set goals.

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Time Timer - 20cm Medium

20cm Time Timer (Medium - previously known as large. Retains the same dimensions) | Used as an interactive teaching tool, this classroom-tested teaching aide reinforces the sense of elapsed time with a graphic depiction of the time remaining. The Time Timer can be used to set time limits, measure the duration of activities and train students to make better use of available time.

Behaviour Solutions for the Inclusive Classroom

| by Beth Aune, Beth Burt & Peter Gennaro | This book is a must-have for every special needs and inclusive classroom. The easy to use format allows teachers to quickly look up an in-the-moment solution and learn about what the child is communicating, and why. This book illuminates possible causes of those mysterious behaviours, and more importantly, provides solutions!

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The Essential Guide to Secondary School

| by Sue Larkey & Anna Tullemans | Revised and expanded in 2016. A practical guide to secondary school. Ideas for
all staff, from curriculum engagement, accommodations, group work, homework, using technology, behaviour support, organisational skills to building independence. Includes proformas to photocopy and save you time. This book has over 100 pages of proven ideas and strategies. MASSIVE TIME SAVER for busy Teachers & Parents

time saver clock

The Kids Guide to Staying Awesome and In Control


From breathing exercises, pressure holds and finger pulls, to fidgets, noise-reducing headphones and gum, this book is brimming with fun stuff to help kids feel cool, calm and collected. They will learn how to label difficult feelings, choose the perfect strategies and tools to tackle them, and use these correctly whether at home or at school. The strategies and tools are accompanied by cartoon-style illustrations, and the author includes useful tips for parents and teachers as well as handy visual charts and checklists to track learning and progress. For ages 7-14 years.

Developing Social Skills

| by Sue Larkey & Gay von Ess | A starting point for teaching and encouraging social interactions and skills for children with an autism spectrum disorder and other developmental delays. It is a useful concrete and visual resource which when coupled with videoing, role playing and modeling will help young primary school age children with an autism spectrum disorder to better understand the social world around them. This book includes hundreds of ideas, social stories and worksheets. It is a great resource full of time savers for home and school.

More Behavior Solutions In and Beyond the Inclusive Classroom

| by Beth Aune, Beth Burt & Peter Gennaro | More Behavior Solutions builds on the success of the first book by expanding the focus from within the classroom to all areas of the school environment Ð in the hallways, cafeteria, and auditorium, on the playground, and in therapy sessions during the school day. See a particular behaviour? Quickly look it up and find an immediate solution.

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