10 Essential Tips to Share to Increase Understanding During April

Understanding Neurodiversity Tips

Neurodiversity is the concept that neurological differences between people should be recognised and respected. Instead of using terms like ’dys – function’ β€˜dis- abilities’ & β€˜dis-orders’ neurodiversity is an enabling term that takes into account neurological differences. Neurodiversity – is not one size fits all. We are all different and neurodiversity celebrates difference. In this episode we discuss:

βœ… April as an Opportunity to Celebrate & Advocate for Neurodiversity

βœ… Why I love the term Neurodiversity
βœ… Why important to ask about people’s personal preferences for β€œterminology”
βœ… During April watch and learn from a Movie, or TV Show.

βœ… Connect to Neurodiverse people online to celebrate neurodiversity
βœ… 10 Top Tips to Understand Neurodiversity to share with your community

Embrace Neurodiversity Today!

I personally love the term neurodiversity, as many children I meet don’t have official β€œlabels” yet, but their family, educators, etc. notice their different way of engaging in learning. My passion is to ensure these children get the most out of their educational settings by putting in place strategies and accommodations that support their specific learning style.

One way to do this is to put in place strategies to β€˜make learning fun’.

April is a great time to share diagnosis here are some helpful Podcasts:



Download Tips Sheet – 10 Essential TIps for Understanding Neurodiversity (AS, ADHD, ODD, PDA)

Sue Larkey 10 Essential Strategies - Autism

10 Essential Tips to Share to Increase Understanding and embrace neurodiversity!

See below for essential tips to explain neurodiverisity (AS, ADHD, ODD, PDA)Β  and improve understanding!

1. Neurodiverse students don’t have to look at you all the time.

Reason: They often find looking and listening at the same time hard to do.

2. Give them time to answer any of your questions.

Reason: They have slower processing time. Sometimes it can take them up to a minute to formulate the answer

3. If they feel pressured they will answer with stock standard answers.

Reason: They know it will get them out of trouble quickly. This may include: β€œI don’t know”, β€œyes”, β€œmaybe” and often thisΒ isn’t their true answer!

4. They often don’t β€œgeneralise” information between people and places.

Example: Homework for teacher β€˜x’ is in the yellow basket but for teacher β€˜y’ it’s to be placed in the green basket.

5. They find organisation of their school equipment very difficult.

Tip: They are best with one folder with everything inside. Limit the number of pencils, pens etc.

6. Limit their choices and be very specific with choices.

Reason: They find choices overwhelming and are often concerned with making wrong choice due to their difficulty withΒ problem solving.

7. Be as clear, concise and concrete as possible.

Reason: Neurodiverse students have difficulty with abstract thinking.

8. Avoid verbal overload.

Reason: They are visual learners and verbal information takes them longer to process and retain.

9. Neurodiverse students are often literal.

Reason: They misinterpret your questions/comments .i.e. Β ‘Could’ or ‘Would,’ can can be interpreted as an option.Β Words like “Stop” and “No” don’t tell them what to do.

10. Neurodiverse students often have sensory processing difficulties

Reason: This is part of their diversity and different way of processing.

Help embrace neurodiversity today!

Join Sue for an upcoming Live Virtual Workshop where you will learn Sue’s practical tips & strategies to make a difference.


Educators Guide to Executive Functioning - Why it Impacts Learning and Behaviour & What to Do

This course offers a comprehensive exploration of Executive Functioning. Dive into seven comprehensive lessons, starting with an introduction to Executive Functioning and the impact on learning and behaviour in Neurodiverse students (ASD, ADHD, ODD & PDA) Led by Dean Beadle, International Speaker & Autism Expert, for an enlightening course on Executive Functioning where he gives strategies from his lived experience and evidence-based research.


βœ… 2 Hours

πŸ“Œ Certificate

PRICE $149