Transition Time Saversย for Teachersย 

When I worked as an outreach teacher supporting students in mainstream schools. I created some easy to use cheat sheets for the staff and the students I supported.

The more information we share the more we can prepare!

But I found sometimes there was too much information, and much of it was not actually read or used.

THE MOST popular and useful documents (according to Teachers & Assistants) were these 2 documents. I have updated them and made in easy to use word documents so you can edit.

1) Programming for students with ASD.ย Profile for Individual Student – this can be used for ADHD, ODD, SPD, PDA, Trauma etc. It includes: Academic, Behavioural, Communication, Social Skills & General

Download Individual Student Profile Here ย Student-Transition-Document-2020-Sue-Larkey

2) 10 Things About Meย is a document for students to introduce themselves. HIGHLY recommend staff or parents help students complete this.

10 Things About Me Pro Forma Here 10-Things-About-Me-Sue-Larkey

3) Summary Profile of Studentย is a one page summary which can be used as quick reference, instead of the first cheat sheet. I highly recommend you compete both sheets, but this one is a good reference for on-the-spot informationย 

One Pager Individual Summary Here Summary-Profile-Of-Students-Sue-Larkey-1