Quick tips and strategies to get you started. If yoou haven’t even tried AI let me help you get started.



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How AI Assistants Can Support Neurodiverse Students

Overview of ChatGPT and Other AI Tools

– Brief explanation of what ChatGPT and other AI tools are and how they work

Using AI to Create Accommodations

– Example of creating accommodations for executive functioning challenges

– Mention other types of accommodations AI can help generate

 Adapting Lessons to Special Interests

– Share transcript example of adapting a planets lesson to use Minecraft

 Simplifying Complex Concepts

– Example of summarizing an accounting document in simple terms

 Generating Options to Reduce Anxiety

– How AI can provide choices for resources, topics, etc. to reduce anxiety


Sign Up for Our Free Beginners Guide to Using AI to Support Neurodiverse Students!


Download accommodation ideas ebook from www.suelarkey.com.au




Top 10 Tips for Supporting Neurodiverse Students with AI Assistants

    1. Start with a clear, detailed prompt – Explain exactly what you need help with.
    2. Specify your role (teacher, parent, therapist, etc.) – “I am a teacher looking for accommodations for a student with ADHD.”
    3. Ask for simpler explanations of complex topics – “Summarize this accounting document in simple terms, as if explaining to a 12 year old.”
    4. Generate accommodations tailored to specific students – “Provide 3 accommodations to help a perfectionistic high school student complete an essay.”
    5. Adapt lessons using students’ special interests – “Teach me about planets using examples from Minecraft to keep me engaged.”
    6. Reduce anxiety by offering choices of resources/options – “Give me 2 website recommendations for learning about geology appropriate for a 3rd grader.”
    7. Summarize documents, websites, transcripts – Put a URL or text into the AI to get a concise summary.
    8. Check for accuracy and edit as needed – The AI can make mistakes so review and adjust the content.
    9. Use Claude for longform content, ChatGPT for conversations – Claude allows more words, ChatGPT is better for back-and-forth.
    10. Explore tools like BARD for internet-updated info – BARD connects to live Google results vs. ChatGPT’s 2021 database.

As Andrew said, “AI assistants are like having a very smart personal assistant on hand to help generate ideas, content and resources.” Let me know if you would like me to modify or add anything to these tips!