
For those of on holidays or about to start the break.  I thought you might like some holidays reading -Term 3 Newsletter.

By subscribing to our newsletter below you will then be able to print out or read online the complete newsletter.

Many of you would have heard me say “It takes a community to raise a child with ASD”. It is the support from home, school and the wider community that can truly make a difference – and make it a success.

I strongly believe that UNDERSTANDING is a key element of this. In this Newsletter I have included a range of tips, information and resources to help you understand and support the children you know. I have included a number of INSIGHTS from parents and people on the spectrum as this is a wonderful way to increase understanding.


In this Newsletter I have included:

  • Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew – written by a parent and provides great tips for school and home (Pg 2-3). 
  • Teen Years and Beyond – 10 Top Tips to Increase Success for Teens and Adults (P4-5). 
  •  Inspiration and Insight from Dean Beadle :Top 8 insights from his workshops in 2015 and Dean’s Top 10 Tips for Successful Education (Pg 7). 
  •  Understanding ADHD and Autism – Nine Quick Tips to Help Kids Keep Cool and Calm (Pg 12). 
  • 10 Tips to Setting up Passive Playgrounds – pg 11
  • Eye Contact & Tracking -pg 13, Theory of Mind pg 14 & more


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