Have You Got Questions Cause I’ve Got Answers, Tune in Today!


Podcast Photo of Sue Larkey with microphone


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Sue Larkey Workshops

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Sue Larkey On-Demand Workshops


Discussed in this episode


Congratulations to KETH Young, Mrs Fix Anything, Mum to ASD/ADHD/SPD, tracey1712, millyninefive

If you are one of the winners please email me at suelarkey@suelarkey.com.au with your handle name in the email and then we can sort out how to post/which time timer you want!

​This week’s giveaway

A free Online Course or Face to Face course, make sure you listen to find out how you can win. I will also announce the winners of the Time Timers.

Spectrum Poem

Amazing Deborah Philips wrote this after watching the webinar.

I have to share as so fantastic and a wonderful summary of what you will learn.

S Give me a SCHEDULE. I need to know what’s next and when

P Give me PROCESSING TIME. I need time to understand and figure out the words to say.

E SET me up for SUCCESS. Teach me how to handle mistakes.

C Simplify COMMUNICATION for me. Slow it down. Break it down. Limit the instructions.

T Give me a TIMEFRAME. I need to know how long.

R REPEAT my ACTIVITIES. I need to learn what to expect.

U Communicate with me in a way that I can UNDERSTAND. We all think in different ways and I think visually.

M REWARD me to MOTIVATE me. I’ve worked hard to achieve these things.

The world needs all kinds of minds.

If you use the S.P.E.C.T.R.U.M. strategies with me, I can participate and grow

Announce the 5 winners of the Time Timers and also post them in the podcast community. Have You Got Questions Cause I’ve Got Answers! So Tune in Today!.

Resource Links

Online Learning http://elearning.suelarkey.com.au

Free Webinars Available until Feb 28 http://elearning.suelarkey.com.au