Photo Cook Book 2


| by Heather Durrant & Sue Larkey | The Second of the Cooks Books These books are an ideal teaching programme for everyone. Cooking is a marvelous tool to teach everything from maths to social skills. Because cooking is a favourite with all children it’s a wonderful teaching and learning activity appropriate for all ages and stages! The manual has ready-made programmes linking curriculum and educational outcomes.

What this cook book contains:

  • 300+ photos of e key stages of each recipe (ingredients, utensils, equipment, etc.)
  • PROVEN recipes that kids love
  • Easy activities to incorporate into school day or at home
  • Full colour pages
  • Durable: spiral bind, art gloss paper – spill resistant

23 in stock

Sue Explains…

Photo Cook Books | by Heather Durrant & Sue Larkey | code: B062 | These books are an ideal teaching programme for everyone. Cooking is a marvelous tool to teach everything from maths to social skills. Because cooking is a favourite with all children it's a wonderful teaching and learning activity appropriate for all ages and stages! The manual has ready-made programmes linking curriculum and educational outcomes.

What this cook book contains:

  • 300+ photos of e key stages of each recipe (ingredients, utensils, equipment, etc.)
  • PROVEN recipes that kids love
  • Easy activities to incorporate into school day or at home
  • Full colour pages
  • Durable: spiral bind, art gloss paper - spill resistant

"Two splendid books. We all think they are great!"  National Autism Society UK


Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder: Knowledge to Improve Student Learning, Participation and Outcomes

Temple Grandin & Sue Larkey: Teaching Students With Autism Spectrum