A Manual To Provide Support and Care for Adults with Autism Spectrum


This is a guide to help support workers to individualise support for each participant in order to help them gain independence, self-reliance and community inclusion.

What’s in it for me?

  • Over 80 pages
  • Over 500 Tips & Strategies to provide guidance for adaptations, modifications and understanding to meet the goals of participants
  • Build your expertise to encourage participants to make decisions, find their strengths and use them as building blocks to develop skills

28 in stock

This is a guide to help support workers to individualise support for each participant in order to help them gain independence, self-reliance and community inclusion.

What's in it for me?

  • Over 80 pages
  • Over 500 Tips & Strategies to provide guidance for adaptations, modifications and understanding to meet the goals of participants
  • Build your expertise to encourage participants to make decisions, find their strengths and use them as building blocks to develop skills

What's in the Manual:

  • Principles of Individualised Support and How to Provide
  • How to Develop a Person-Centred Approach
  • Over 22 Important Tips for Supporting Participants on the Autism Spectrum
  • Important Guidelines for Support Workers to Provide Individualised Support and Empowerment of Participants
  • 20 Tips Building Strong Relationships with Participants with Autism Spectrum
  • Tips and Strategies to Encourage Independence
  •  Using Visuals, Schedules & Checklists
  • How to Support and Accomodate Sensory Processing Difficulties
  • How to Expand Area of Interest
  • How to Decide on Leisure Activities
  • What are Functional Skills & Effective Ways to Teach
  • How to Build Capacity
  • Proformas for Participants and Support Staff
  • Strategies to Support and Accomodate Executive Functioning


Feedback from other customers:


Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder: Knowledge to Improve Student Learning, Participation and Outcomes

Temple Grandin & Sue Larkey: Teaching Students With Autism Spectrum

 “Thank you for your amazing work. I would love to see more providers with access to books like this.” – Teanna Savy, Specialist Support Coordinator, Mercy Community

“The visuals have been the most helpful to me. The drawings and tables really helped me group the information together. I really loved Page 28 as I think it is reflective of people with autism.” – Teanna Savy, Specialist Support Coordinator, Mercy Community

“The promotion of participant participation is one of my favourite things about the book.” – Sam C.

“Here is another common-sense manual from Anna Tullemans and Sue Larkey; this time to benefit support workers of adults on the autism spectrum.

Every page is packed with suggestions for workers to encourage their clients to develop skills.

In the book, the authors show workers how to provide support to the individual in accordance with that client’s specific needs. They suggest how workers can teach empowerment to their clients and how to encourage inclusion of their clients in the community.” – Rhonda, Author & Parent