Number 1

Autism Awareness Day Sat April 2nd (or anytime in April is Autism Awareness Month)

Your opportunity to make Big Difference in 2016
Great Books to Read to Children, Students, Family & Community during April

Acceptance is the key to making a difference. When people understand that a child with ASD learns differently and needs different supports I see the BIGGEST difference for the child, family and school.

There are three parts to understanding the ASD diagnosis:

  1. When to Tell a Child

  2. What to Tell a Child

  3. Who and How to Tell (Talking to Class, Peers)

Part 1: When to Tell the Child

Dr Tony Attwood recommends you tell the child around seven years of age or when they start noticing difference.

“Diagnosis for my son opened a whole lot of self-acceptance for him. He realised that although he always felt different, that there was a group of people who are the same as him. We viewed diagnosis as a tool to help us and others best help our son. School has been very supportive, and family have had greater understanding of the ‘weird things’ that my son has done.” Jenny



For 100s of Free Strategies and Tips go to my Tip Sheet Page


Consider raising Awareness by posting about ASD on your FACEBOOK page. Feel free to share any of mine (

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