Girls with ASD are Different and Beautiful!

Podcast Photo of Sue Larkey with microphone


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Discussed in this episode

Girls with ASD are often undiagnosed, because original diagnostic criteria have a boy bias. The criteria were created by actually examining mainly boys, and the girls can be very different. I think we all know ‘neuro-typical’ boys and girls are very different in their social, communication and behaviour. There are many characteristics that are very similar to boys with ASD but I thought I would list the main differences to girls with ASD.

In this episode I discuss 

✅ Ways girls with autism differ from boys with autism

✅ Tips for anxiety

✅ Tips for girls with autism to maintain friendships and create positive peer relationships

✅ The best book to teach social skills when working with girls with autism

For the complete blog post on this subject please visit the link below:

Girls with ASD are Different and Beautiful, Let’s learn about them!