Use calendars,ย schedules, diariesย to forewarn about upcoming events

Give a JOB.ย In the concert let them be the stage hand, the door keeper, the school photographer. The more focused and clear their JOB the less stress.

Limit their choices and be very specific with choicesย i.e. sit at end of row, not anywhere in hall!

Give something in their handsย as students with autism usually calm best when have something in their hands. See “sensory tools” for ideas

Avoidย verbalย overload.ย Use visuals to support verbal and give only one instruction at a time.

Make social scripts ofย upcomingย events, books about holidays, change of teachers etc.ย Let them refer back to them and reread to prepare ย activities

Use language that tells them “what to do”ย e.g. “Sit Down”, “Start your work”, “Pack away”, “Listening”

Give them a buddy,ย make sure you pre-warn buddy how to supportive

Keep the drinks up and ensure go to the toilet.ย Once they are in busy hall, or bus could haveย meltdownย as forgot to drink or go to toilet