Last year when I asked people what they wanted help with in 2017 I got a huge response with a wide variety of requests.

In this Newsletter I am addressing a few areas where a large number of people were wanting some additional support and strategies.

To instantly view and download the Complete Term 2 Newsletter simply add your email address at the bottom of this page.



  • Photo Cookbooks and
  • Life Skills 2
  • Curriculum Guidelines
  • Outcomes from Cooking 3
  • How to Support Motor Skills
  • A Whole Body Approach 4
  • Using the Word Stop 5
  • Avoid Saying ‘NO’ 5
  • NEW Online Learning 9
  • Growing Up Autistic 10
  • To Tell or Not to Tell, and
  • What to Tell 12
  • Curriculum Engagement 13
  • Upcoming Workshops 14

PS: Morwell & Orange workshops only a few weeks away register now


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