Sue Larkey Blog
Helping you “Make a Difference”

Tips, Strategies, Time Savers and Inspiration to help makeΒ difference for a child withΒ an ASD in your class, home or community.
Episode 112: De-escalation Strategies to use Before, During and After a Meltdown
DE-ESCALATION STRATEGIES TO USEΒ BEFORE, DURING AND AFTER A MELTDOWN Learn Useful Strategies for Meltdowns Today! Subscribe to this podcast via your favourite app Join my newsletter for more awesome information about ASDRecognising and managing meltdowns / shutdowns is vital to support people with an ASD. Every child with an ASD will experience very individual symptoms that are unique to them. Not all individuals with an ASD will experience a "meltdown" and instead may "shut down". It is very important you are familiar with each childβs triggers and responses. Use the student profile on page 31 of The Ultimate Guide to School and Home to record the information so everyone is aware of triggers and signs of meltdowns. Check out Podcast Episode 70 on Understanding Meltdowns with Jed Baker for more information and Useful Strategies for Meltdowns!Β We hate Spam was well. You can unsubscribe at anytime.Β LIMITED SALE: $10 OFF The Ultimate Guide to School and HomeMeltdowns Meltdowns are...
Episode 111: Webinar Replay – Teaching Neurodiverse Students in Your Busy and Complex Classroom
Episode 111: Webinar Replay - Teaching Neurodiverse Students in Your Busy and Complex Classroom Β Teaching Neurodiverse StudentsFREE LIVE VIRTUAL WEBINAR The nature of ASD is such that the new school year can be extremely stressful, no matter what age or how BIG or SMALL the change maybe. My Proven Strategies you can put in place immediately to set you up for a fabulous 2022.Wednesday 4th May 2022 4pm to 5pm (NSW/VIC/QLD/TAS Local Time) (Same Day - time converted to other timezones - 3.30pm - SA & NT, 2pm - WA and 6pm - NZ)In this Free Live Webinar You Will Learn: Key Limitations in Inclusive Classrooms & How to Address Theory of Mind & Impact in your classroom 3 Essential Requirements for Success in Busy Classrooms Tips to Promoting Understanding in your class What is Neurodiversity & How does that look for your students? Smart Goals and Why Important 11 Top Tips to Keep Neurodiverse Students on Task in Busy & Complex classrooms We hate spam as well. We will...
Supporting Children with getting Immunisations and the COVID Vaccine
SUPPORTING CHILDREN WITH IMMUNISATIONΒ AND THE COVID VACCINE Start Supporting Children with Immunisation Today!In Australia, COVID-19 vaccinations have become a part of life. If you are worried about your children getting vaccinated, I have found an amazing social story resource from Centre for Dignity in Healthcare for People with Disabilities which I have been given permission to share. Don't forget to bring your timer! Check out my book below for more information. Start Supporting Children with Immunisation Today!Check out the original pdf here! These social stories have also been adapted to include audio narration. Centre for Dignity in Healthcare for People with Disabilities has so many other great resources too, including: β Β COVID-19 Vaccination Allocation Plan for people with disabilities β Β FAQs on the COVID-19 Vaccine β Β And more! Increase your knowledge to start Supporting Children with Immunisation today!Don't forget you need to wait for at least 15 minutes after getting...
Episode 110: Understanding Autism: Common Confusions and Misunderstandings – with Psychologist Emily Hanlon
UNDERSTANDING AUTISM:Β COMMON CONFUSIONS AND MISUNDERSTANDINGS -Β WITH PSYCHOLOGIST EMILY HANLON Begin Understanding Autism Today! Subscribe to this podcast via your favourite app Join my newsletter for more awesome information about ASDThis week I am joined by guest, Emily Hanlon, a Psychologist who completed her Clinic Masters Research on the well-being of siblings of children with ASD compared to children with typically developing siblings. The results showed that ASD siblings reported lower scores on emotional efficacy and positive affect, and reported higher scores on negative affect than did the comparison group siblings.Β To summarise, the findings indicated that having an autistic sibling resulted in lower overall levels of psychological well-being than siblings of typically developing individuals.Β The full article is available here. She is also the daughter of Randa Habelrih, a guest on the podcast in Episode 107. Check out her website here! Begin Understanding Autism...
Episode 109: Teaching Neurodiverse Students in Your Busy and Complex Classroom
TEACHING NEURODIVERSE STUDENTS IN YOURΒ BUSY AND COMPLEX CLASSROOM Subscribe to this podcast via your favourite app Join my newsletter for more awesome information about ASDTeaching in a busy and complex classroom is always difficult, and with 30 children to look after, there is not always time to give neurodiverse children the support they need. I am hoping to help you with a New E-Book, Webinar & PodcastΒ - ALL FREE - filled with quick tips and strategies to make sure your kids are getting the most out of the amazing work you do! I am also running live virtual workshops again this term! Check them out below. Brand new FREE E-book withΒ 100+ Tips & Strategies Download the free E-book so you can read along while I explain in this week's Podcast. What you will learn: β 8 Key Strategies to Embrace Differenceβ Recommendation for Girls with Autism Spectrumβ Why Kids on the Spectrum are More Likely to be Perfectionists and What You can do to Support themβ Anxiety, ASD and...
Episode 108: Understanding Screen Addiction with ADHD Expert Simon Da Roza
UNDERSTANDING SCREEN ADDICTION βWITH ADHD EXPERT SIMON DA ROZA Subscribe to this podcast via your favourite app Join my newsletter for more awesome information about ASDA lot of parents have asked me how to deal with screen addictions in their nuerodiverse children. This is especially important during the holidays, so this week in the podcast I speak with ADHD expert Simon Da Roza about executive functioning and managing screen time. Learn how to reduce from 16 hours a day to just 1 by Understanding Screen Addiction! 4 Types of Screen Addiction By Simon Da Roza Escape and create - e.g. Minecraft Gaming - solo or social Internet - rabbit-holes e.g. youtube Group Β chats What to do! Ownership: make sure the child realises there is a problem so they can start working to fix it. Try getting them to guess how many hours a day they spend on a screen before checking with them. Encourage them to set targets for themself. Plan B: encourage the child to consider other options -...
Episode 107: What you can do to Increase Inclusion for Autism Awareness Month – with Guest Randa Habelrih
what you can do to increase inclusion forΒ autism awareness monthΒ Learn about Social Skills and Autism Today! Subscribe to this podcast via your favourite app Join my newsletter for more awesome information about ASDIn this podcast I talk about fostering acceptance and inclusion at schools and in the workplace. This week I am accompanied by a guest,Β Randa Habelrih, the founder of Autism MATES. Increase Your Understanding of Social Skills and Autism Today!5 Things You Can Change TODAY to Make a Difference From Randa HabelrihTalk about difference. Empathy is a learned skillBefriend the parent of a child with a disability.Be aware how important your attitude is towards a child with a disability. Children will model your behaviour and attitude. Encourage kindness and inclusion by modelling kindness and inclusion.Include the child who is often left out. E.g.Β If you're organising a party think about how you can be more inclusive.Β If you're breaking children up into groups think about...
Episode 106: How to Create a Lunchtime Club to Build Friendships & Develop Social Skills
HOW TO CREATE AΒ LUNCHTIME CLUB TO BUILD FRIENDSHIPS & DEVELOP SOCIAL SKILLS Learn how to create a lunchtime club to support friendships today! Subscribe to this podcast via your favourite app Join my newsletter for more awesome information about ASDIn this podcast I talk about: π₯ Creating lunchtime clubs - 8 top tips (jump here) π₯ Passive playgrounds (jump here) π₯ Buddy benches (jump here) π₯ Woolworths garden (jump here) π₯ Cook books (jump here) π₯ Friendship funnel (jump here) Download a one-page printout of this blog here: Lunchtime Club BlogMany Schools have introduced Lunchtime Clubs and have had Great Success Playgrounds are unstructured, unpredictable places where children with ASD struggle to follow and join in the numerous social interactions surrounding them. Children with ASD frequently return to class from the playground in a high state of anxiety. In addition, their self-esteem frequently takes a battering. In our book Developing Social Skills, co-author Gay von Ess...
Episode 105: Occupational Therapist shares 3 Key Strategies to Improve Motor Skills in ALL Kids
OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST SHARES THREE KEY STRATEGIES TO IMPROVE MOTOR SKILLS IN ALL KIDS Subscribe to this podcast via your favourite app Join my newsletter for more awesome information about ASDIn this podcast Paediatric Occupational Therapist Sally McNamara (Lewis) shares her 3 key strategies to improve motor skills in ALL children. πΒ Ever wondered why children fidget? π Ever thought about how playgrounds can be designed to maximise learning motor skills? π Ever considered integrating learning motor skills into every day tasks? All these questioned and more answered in this podcast! Scroll to articles mentioned in the podcast3 strategies to Improve Motor Skills From Occupational Therapist Sally McNamaraKeep it fun and functional Use the childβs interests and create a purpose to the motor activities. Ensure there is variety in what the child is doing.Think outside the square For teachers: work collaboratively with specialist teachers to see if they can implement certain motor...
Episode 104: How to engage disengaged students with Autism, ADHD & Neurodiversity
HOW TO ENGAGE DISENGAGED STUDENTS WITH βAUTISM, ADHD & NEURODIVERSITY Learn How to Engage Disengaged Students Today! Subscribe to this podcast via your favourite app Join my newsletter for more awesome information about ASDIncreasing engagementΒ β‘οΈ SUCCESS! In this podcast I talk about how to increase engagement, including: β¨ Professor Skinner's 5 main obstacles to learning β¨Β Encouraging Independence (click to jump to this section) β¨ Top Tips to Keeping on Task (click to jump to this section) β¨ Why making Mistakes is Frustrating (click to jump to this section) β¨ Task Analysis (click to jump to this section) β¨ Rewards (click to jump to this section) This year all my new workshops focus on engagement and participation to increase success for all. Join me for a Live Virtual Workshop or an Online Course - whichever learning style suits you best! Learn how to engage disengaged children Today!Renowned psychologist Professor Skinner identified 5 main obstacles to learning: 1....
Episode 103: Step by Step Strategies to Grow and Support Communication using Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC)
Step by Step Strategies to Grow and Support Communication βusing Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Perfect Strategies to grow and support communication Today! Subscribe to this podcast via your favourite app Join my newsletter for more awesome information about ASDDiscussed in this podcast with guest Chris McDonald: β Social Initiative PicSeePal β What is Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) and how can it be used effectively in the classroom? β "REAP what you SOW" tip sheet - download available here! Harness Strategies to grow and support communication today!Reap what you sow Tip SheetΒ By Chris McDonaldRecognise existing skills and abilities.Engage with likes and interests.Activate the power of visual supports.Playfully foster communication.Systems - set up, implement, review and adjust.Our growth as communication partners.Winning and success into young adulthood.This is just the tip of the iceberg! Click here to download the PDF of the full tipsheet....
Episode 102: Webinar Replay – 13 Key Strategies for Setting Up Your Classroom
Webinar replay - 13 key strategies for βsetting up your classroom Discover 13 Strategies for Setting up your Classroom Today! Subscribe to this podcast via your favourite app Join my newsletter for more awesome information about ASDMy Live Webinar last week was a success! But it's not too late - sign up HERE to watch the Replay of theΒ hour of power! FREE sign up includes: π E-book π Webinar Replay π Handout What will you learn in the Webinar? 10:00 β Number 1 Question I ask myself when I go into classrooms 27:38 β What Skills does sitting really require ? Β (Hintβ¦β¦ Not listening and Sitting Still) 38:10 β Top Tip to Try over the next week 54:00 β Recess & Lunch Breaks. Why we need different strategies Learn 13 Strategies for Setting up your Classroom Today!13 Key STRATEGIES FOR SETTING UP YOUR CLASSROOM Excerpt from the free E-book Setting Up Your Classroom For SuccessΒ by Sue Larkey1. Position in ClassroomSeating, mat time, assembly, parades, etc. Have a set position for...