
BOTH BOOKS. Two fantastic companion guides with no repetition or overlap between the two book. Hundreds of ideas and practical strategies for teachers and teacher assistants to try. GREAT FOR TEACHERS TOO!

Teacher Assistants Big Red Book of Ideas

| by Sue Larkey & Anna Tullemans | Hundreds of ideas you can try. Setting up the classroom, the role of the teacher assistant, behaviour in the classroom and playground, stages of anxiety, transition, sensory toys and activities. Includes frequently asked questions and MORE!

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Teacher Assistants Big Blue Book of Ideas

| by Sue Larkey & Anna Tullemans | Companion to the Teacher Assistants Big Red Book of Ideas. Hundreds of new strategies to try. Social skills: playgrounds, friendships, building self esteem, bullying. In the classroom: getting on task, adapting tasks and exams, building independence. Managing anxiety and behaviour.

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