Slow Processing SpeedΒ 

What is it – What to DoΒ 

Podcast Photo of Sue Larkey with microphone


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Have you noticed these signs in a child you know:

  • Unorganised, often loses or forgets homework
  • Rarely completes tests on time and leaves multiple questions unanswered on timed exams
  • Can’t perform simple maths problems, sequences and calculations
  • Turns in incomplete homework because they don’t understand the instructions
  • Need a quiet area to study and is often distracted by background noise
  • Lacks focus with reading and taking notes
  • Tries to avoid multi-step problems
  • Needs extra time to make decisions

This child might have slow processing speed.Β This means they may have difficulty remembering instructions in the classroom or retaining important details for an assignment or exam.

These children are often labelled β€œdumb” or β€œlazy” when they are often very intelligent, but don’t process information as quickly as their classmates. This can lead to anxiety as it impacts on their ability to engage in learning. So it is important to put in place accommodations so they don’t feel like they are struggling. Understanding the link between anxiety and slow processing speed helps you to best support the child and for the child to know why they may take longer than their peers.


Check out my other podcasts on Slow Processing & Social Skills:

  • Episode 63: How and Why to Use VisualsΒ 
  • Epsiode 4: Promoting Social Understanding – Social Scripts