Top 10 Social Skills Books

Resources to help understand and develop social skills. Check out these highly recommended tools for social skills.

How to Stop Your Words Bumping into Someone Else’s

How to stop your words from bumping into others

| by Anna Tullemans & Rhonda Dixon | This book has 18 great A4 clear pages with an excellent picture to explain so many of the common challenges students with an ASD face in social and school situations. They include: Getting Someone’s Attention, Starting a Conversation, Interrupting, Asking Someone to Play, What if a Person Says ‘No’?, Asking for Help, How loud or soft your voice should be, Waiting in Line, Waiting on the Mat and Waiting at your Desk.

3 in stock

The Social Skills Picture Book: Teaching play, emotion & communication to children with autism

The Social Picture Book

| by Dr Jed Baker | The Social Skills Picture Books immediately zoomed to the top of the chart in books on autism and AspergerΓ•s because it provides a teaching tool that Γ’engages the attention and motivation of students who need help learning appropriate social skills.Γ“ It demonstrates through pictures nearly 80 social skills, such as conversation, play, emotion management and empathy.

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Socially Speaking Board Game

the socially speaking board game

| by Alison Schroeder | code: O05 | Designed to complement the Socially Speaking book, this fun game focuses on social interaction in three key areas: home, school, and the wider community. Children are able practice vital skills such as greetings, turn-taking, eye contact, listening, compliments, emotions, telephoning others, showing interest in what others are saying, sitting appropriately and still, asking and answering questions, using your voice effectively, developing and maintaining friendships, and more. Contains game board, 100 question cards, playing pieces and teacher’s notes for 2 to 6 players. Cards can be used for whole class activities.

10 in stock

Socially Speaking

Socially Speaking

| by Alison Schroeder | Socially Speaking will help you to introduce and practice skills your pupils need to develop and maintain relationships and to lead independent lives outside the school context. Socially Speaking is a unique social skills programme that lasts a whole school year and is divided into three units: let’s communicate, let’s be friends, and let’s practice.

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The Aspie Teen’s Survival Guide

the aspie teen's survival guide

| by J.D. Kraus | The teenage years are a time when being social is the #1 priority for kids. But for kids with Asperger’s, who have acute social challenges, these years can be the most difficult, confusing time in their lives. Enter J. D. Kraus, a young man who has been there, done that! He offers practical advice to his peers so they can get the most out of middle school and high school, both academically and socially.

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What did you say? What did you mean?

what did you say? What did you mean?

| by Jude Welton | Jude Welton looks at a hundred of the most common figures of speech in this visual workbook designed as a springboard for family and classroom discussions. Each figure of speech is accompanied by an illustration showing its literal meaning, which will help ASD children recognise and learn to enjoy metaphors and figurative language.

5 in stock

Why Do I Have To?

Why do I have to?

| by Laurie Leventhal-Belfer | Why do I have to? looks at a set of every day situations that provide challenges for children at home, with their friends, and at school. Empathises with childrenΓ•s wish to do things their way, explains clearly why their way does not work, and provides a list of practical suggestions for how to cope with these challenges and avoid feelings of frustration. This is the ideal book for children who have difficulty coping with the expectations of daily living, as well as for their parents and the professionals who work with them.

9 in stock

Developing Social Skills

Developing Social Skills

| by Sue Larkey & Gay von Ess | A starting point for teaching and encouraging social interactions and skills for children with an autism spectrum disorder and other developmental delays. It is a useful concrete and visual resource which when coupled with videoing, role playing and modeling will help young primary school age children with an autism spectrum disorder to better understand the social world around them. This book includes hundreds of ideas, social stories and worksheets. It is a great resource full of time savers for home and school.

58 in stock

The Asperkids Secret Book of Social Rules

Why do I have to?

| by Jennifer Cook OΓ•Toole | An insiderΓ•s guide to loving, understanding and teaching children with Asperger Syndrome. If is full of effective and fun ways of engaging with children with Asperger Syndrome. Affirming that different doesnΓ•t mean defective, this book offers the insight and guidance that parents, educators, and other professionals need to connect with the Asperkids in their life and get them excited about learning.

2 in stock

The New Social Story Book

Developing Social Skills

| by Carol Gray | Over 150 of the most requested social stories that teach everyday social skills to children with autism or Aspergers Syndrome, and their peers. It also teaches you how to write Social Stories.

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Developing Social Skills for Children with Diverse Learning Needs with Sue Larkey – On-Demand Course


Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) in the Classroom: Understanding and Teaching Strategies for Educators
