Sue Larkey NewletterA Different Way of Learning and Engaging People with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) experience the world differently.

In this Newsletter I have explored and explained a range of different ways to support their learning, engaging, behaviour and more.

Many children with ASD, ADHD, developmental delays, etc. need a range of adaptions and educational supports to engage them successfully in educational settings. My doctorate research found two of the biggest challenges educators had were having time and resources.

In this Newsletter I hope you find some timesavers and information to engage the children you know. In this Newsletter I have included:

Reading and Hyperlexia – Plus 9 Handy Hints.

A Meltdown is not a Tantrum – 17 Common Causes of Meltdowns.

10 Ways Girls with ASD Differ From Boys.

11 Key Questions to Ask when you see a Behaviour.

Understanding Sensory Needs and What to Do To Support.

The Importance of Play and How to Support Play.

Puberty – Preparing for Success at Home and School.

If you didn’t get a chance to watch the free Webinar in Term 1 make sure you sign up to watch between 2nd May and 16 May. This is another great way to get some handy hints and strategies. For more information see page 9 of the Newsletter.

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