what you can do to

increase inclusion for 

autism awareness month 

Learn about Social Skills and Autism Today!

In this podcast I talk about fostering acceptance and inclusion at schools and in the workplace. This week I am accompanied by a guest, Randa Habelrih, the founder of Autism MATES.

Increase Your Understanding of Social Skills and Autism Today!

5 Things You Can Change TODAY to Make a Difference

From Randa Habelrih

Talk about difference. Empathy is a learned skill

Befriend the parent of a child with a disability.

Be aware how important your attitude is towards a child with a disability. Children will model your behaviour and attitude. Encourage kindness and inclusion by modelling kindness and inclusion.

Include the child who is often left out. E.g. If you’re organising a party think about how you can be more inclusive. If you’re breaking children up into groups think about how you can be fair and inclusive. If you are running activities, think about how accessible they are to all children.

Read a book on talking about autism – discuss it with your friends and family! See some of my favourite books below

What is Autism MATES?

Autism MATES is an organisation that works towards educating the community about autism and also advocates for greater inclusion and acceptance in schools and in the workforce.

MATES is an acronym that stands for Mates Assisting To Engage Socially.

Austism MATES was established in response to bullying that Randa’s son, Richard, received throughout his school career.

Richard has now gone on to develop his own animation – release date Wednesday 24th March! – a story of friendship, kindness and inclusion. Click here for more information

Understanding Social Skills and Autism is the first step to positive change!