Graduate Deep Dive into Understanding Behaviour

Dive Into Understanding Behaviour Today!

Podcast Photo of Sue Larkey with microphone


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Discussed in this episode

This Podcast is a special podcast for Graduates of mine or Dr Tony Attwood’s Courses. (Face to Face or Online Courses)

In this Podcast I want to give you tips and strategies to create a calm classroom.

If you haven’t received the  E-book “A Guide to Understanding Behaviour” and are a Graduate of Tony or my courses please email and we will send you the link to access them.

The reason I have put together this Podcast & Special Understanding Behaviour  E-book is more and more educators who come to my workshops or connect with me online say Sue this stuff is all great ,but I am teaching the most complex class I have ever taught. More kids with neuro-diversity than ever, and the most challenging behaviour I have ever taught. I am exhausted. I have got so much I need to do in my classroom and then I have all this behaviour… what can I do?

Well you are not alone

4% of NSW Public School students received short term suspensions last year

and 1.5 % LONG term between 3- 20 days

AND 1 in 4 happened in their FIRST 3 years of Primary School.

For me… those stats are scarey! And I want to change that and I am sure you do too.

Honestly, I think the reason we have the Stats is the schools current policies, procedures are NOT working!

I hear from teachers all the time things are getting more complex.

Join me on this Podcast where we dive in deep to Understanding Behaviour


Check out my previous podcasts on Understanding Behaviour:

  • Episode 132: Understanding Challenging Behaviour, ODD & PDA
  • Episode 122: Why Change = Behaviour – and what you can do about it
  • Episode 119: Sensory Strategies for Educators – Often overlooked Causes of Behaviour