Sue Larkey Podcast

Puberty is part of natural development for all children. Puberty usually starts in girls around 10-11 andΒ boys 11-12. Menstruation for girls typically occurs between 12 and 13, while voice changes for boys isΒ often around 15. We ALL need to have on-going discussions with the child and this is where havingΒ both home and school helping the child’s understanding is vital. Boys and girls need to know aboutΒ their changes and changes in the opposite sex too (particularly, if they have opposite sex siblings orΒ are at co-ed schools). It is important to start sharing this information with them before the changes occurΒ otherwise the children may worry that something is wrong with them. I know some parents who talkΒ about the changes before they happen and then as they happen their children tell them and theyΒ celebrate!

Open, honest and on-going information is most effective, and not too much information all at once!Β That being said some children want to know everything and that is where books can be wonderful.

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