Thinking in Pictures


| by Temple Grandin | Here, in Temple Grandin’s own words, is the story of what it is like to live with autism, to be among the few people who have broken through many of the neurological impairments associated with autism. Thinking In Pictures also gives information from the front lines of autism, including treatment, medication, and diagnosis, as well as Temple’s insights into genius, savants, sensory phenomena, and animal behaviour. Ultimately, it is Temple’s unique ability to describe the way her visual mind works and how she first made the connection between her impairment and animal temperament that is the basis of her extraordinary gift and phenomenal success.

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Thinking in Pictures | by Temple Grandin | code: B52 | Here, in Temple Grandin’s own words, is the story of what it is like to live with autism, to be among the few people who have broken through many of the neurological impairments associated with autism. Thinking In Pictures also gives information from the front lines of autism, including treatment, medication, and diagnosis, as well as Temple’s insights into genius, savants, sensory phenomena, and animal behaviour. Ultimately, it is Temple’s unique ability to describe the way her visual mind works and how she first made the connection between her impairment and animal temperament that is the basis of her extraordinary gift and phenomenal success.