Special Boys’ Business


|by Heather Anderson, Fay Anglo and Rose Stewart | Special BoysÕ Businessª takes a boy, his parents and carers through the changes experienced at puberty. Information is presented in simple text with clear colourful pictures. It is an appealing disability puberty book with fun, entertaining illustrations. Special BoysÕ Businessª is a puberty resource written for boys with special needs.

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Special Boys’ Business |by Heather Anderson, Fay Anglo and Rose Stewart | code: B88 | Special Boys’ Businessª takes a boy, his parents and carers through the changes experienced at puberty. Information is presented in simple text with clear colourful pictures. It is an appealing disability puberty book with fun, entertaining illustrations. Special Boys’ Businessª is a puberty resource written for boys with special needs. Special Boys’ Businessª is a puberty resource written for boys with special needs, including: *Intellectual disability *Physical disability *Communication disorder *Autism

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