Practical Communication Programmes


| by Jo Adkins & Sue Larkey | Communication is the biggest area of skill deficits in nearly all children on the autism spectrum – whether it is little to no verbalisation, social skills or simply understanding spoken language. This book offers hundreds of ideas and strategies to improve communication skills – including picture exchange, teaching literacy skills, and emotions. It includes activities and resources you can photocopy.

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Sue Explains…

Practical Communication Programmes | by Jo Adkins & Sue Larkey | code: B19 | Communication is the biggest area of skill deficits in nearly all children on the autism spectrum - whether it is little to no verbalisation, social skills or simply understanding spoken language. This book offers hundreds of ideas and strategies to improve communication skills - including picture exchange, teaching literacy skills, and emotions. It includes activities and resources you can photocopy.

Tip Sheet - Visual_Communication


Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder: Knowledge to Improve Student Learning, Participation and Outcomes

Developing Early Childhood Approaches for Children with Additional Needs

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