Parenting a Teen or Young Adult with Asperger Syndrome
| by Brenda Boyd | 325 astute and practical ideas, insights, tips and strategies address the complex issues parents face during this crucial period of transition for their child with ASD. The practical, bite-size suggestions focus on the vital importance of developing and nurturing an open and healthy relationship with your son or daughter. The easy-to-navigate format will suit busy parents wanting to locate advice to suit their particular needs. All the suggestions are designed to foster understanding and acceptance between family members and help the ASD young person with common problem areas such as social vulnerability and peer relationships, self-esteem, anxiety and coping with change.
Parenting a Teen or Young Adult with Asperger Syndrome quantity
Parenting without Panic
| by Brenda Dater | Filled with the voices of other parents in the same situation, the book covers everything from the first steps to take after diagnosis, to advocacy and disclosure, behaviour, building independence and resilience, making friends, holidays and vacations, homework, supporting siblings, how to garner support from extended family and friends, and how parents can look after their own well-being. This book extends the vital lifeline of a support group to parents of children and teens on the autism spectrum everywhere.
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What I Wish I'd Known About Raising a Child with Autism quantity
Asperkids quantity
Organize Your ADD/ADHD Child
| by Cheryl R Cater | This book addresses the issues of organisation and time management in relation to ADD/ADHD, suggesting practical ways of organising your child’s day and turning chaos into calm. Accommodating short attention spans and short fuses, Cheryl Carter shows how, by using the F.I.R.S.T method (Fun, Individualism, Rules, Simplicity and Time management), even the most hyperactive and easily distracted of children can be taught to make their bed, pack their school bag, and generally get organised! The author recognises that children hate anything that is boring, and finds fun ways around even the most mundane of tasks. Her no-nonsense, step-by-step strategies, in combination with positive affirmations and realistic demands, will get ADD/ADHD children organised, and from A to B without a hitch.
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ADHD Homework Challenges Transformed! quantity
Parenting ASD Teens: A Guide to Making it Up As You Go
By Andrew Schlegelmilch - The author draws on his experience working at a high school for teens with autism to provide savvy advice to parents coping with the difficulties that arise when their child hits the troublesome teenage years. Discussion includes setting realistic expectations, encouraging independence, and helping teens cope with mental health issues.
Parenting ASD Teens: A Guide to Making it Up As You Go quantity