An Individual Education Plan (IEP) (also known by other names including Individual Learning Plan or ILP) may be developed for a student with diverse learning needs or a disability. An IEP is about access and equity to education. It should consider the “reasonable adjustments” that need to be made to provide students with access to teaching, learning and the schooling experience generally.

The IEP meeting is an opportunity for teachers, parents, school administrators, related services personnel, and students (when appropriate) to work together to provide an appropriate educational program.



The most important part of any IEP is arguably the list of goals the student is aiming to achieve. This can be the hardest part for parents and teachers to craft effectively. As a general guide, IEP goals should be: SMART goals


What strategies and resources do we need to implement our SMART goals and best support this student?

  • Apply for additional hours of support services (if applicable)

  • Any further reports/assessments required

  • Curriculum Modificaitions – Adjustments, Supports etc

What are the skills & resources that we need?

  • Obtain a range of books to Support Staff or Families/Carers

  • Sensory Tools or Resources

  • Professional Development for Staff or Families/Carers. See online courses or face to face workshops near you. 

If you’re not sure where to start has a range of all these helpful resources such as Top 10 Books for professional development and online learning courses.