Sue Larkey Blog

Helping you “Make a Difference”

Tips, Strategies, Time Savers and Inspiration to help make difference for a child with an ASD in your class, home or community.

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Autism and Toilet Training – A Mother’s Toilet Training Journey (Episode 279)

Autism and toilet training A Mother's Toilet Training Journey Autism and Toilet Training  10 Top Tips From Jacklyn and Her Experience in Toilet Training Creating a special box of bathroom activities 2. Using favourite shows (like Paddington) exclusively for toilet time Tracking progress with ticks and crosses on paper Offering specific rewards (5 M&Ms for wees, Kit Kats for poos) Taking nappies to the toilet to flush contents Starting with morning toilet routines Using special absorbent training pants for outings Maintaining consistency despite setbacks Allowing natural consequences for learning body signals Recognising and adapting to regression during transitions Sue Larkey...

Autism and toilet training

Understanding Girls Who Camouflage their Struggles with Guest Jane McFadden (Episode 278)

ASD AND ADHD MASKING IN GIRLS: Understanding Girls Who Camouflage their Struggles  with Guest Jane McFadden ASD and ADHD Masking For Girls    Jane McFadden is a former psychologist turned Neuroscientist, Author, and Neurodiversity Specialist. Jane has both lived experience and clinical expertise. After years of battling burnout, stress, and anxiety, she received a life-altering ADHD diagnosis in 2022, which answered many of her questions and ignited her passion to help other women and girls avoid being misdiagnosed and wrongly medicated. While ADHD medication was life-changing, it also unveiled Autistic traits, leading to her being diagnosed as Autistic in 2024. So I am thrilled to have Jane join us to share her knowledge & expertise on identifying camouflaged or internalising Autistic children.  Discussed in this Episode: ✅ Girls often present with perfectionist behaviours and high anxiety ✅ Many show extremely helpful, caring behaviours to avoid playground interactions...

Autism Neurodiversity Transforming Schools Through Understanding (Episode 277)

  Autism Neurodiversity Transforming Schools Through Understanding: Book "Out of the Box with authors Madonna King & Rebecca Sparrow Executive Functioning Meaning And Strategies  Autism Neurodiversity Transforming Schools: This podcast explores innovative strategies that not only benefit neurodivergent students but also enrich the learning experience for all. We focus on proactive, straightforward adjustments that prevent challenges before they arise, rather than merely responding to issues after they occur. Our discussions highlight that successful inclusive education does not require sweeping system overhauls; instead, it thrives on thoughtful, intentional modifications that recognize and celebrate diverse ways of learning and existing in the world. It's about cultivating environments where every student can flourish, and where educators feel empowered to integrate these accommodations into their everyday practice.10 Top Things to Try from PodcastStrategies for...

The podcast emphasises that these strategies aren't just beneficial for neurodivergent students - they enhance the learning environment for everyone.

Teachers Aide – Strategies For Success – Insights From Dream Team (Episode 276)

Teacher Aides Strategies for Success - Insights from Dream Team (Lived Experience, Teacher, Teacher Assistant & Parent) Teachers Aide Strategies for SuccessTeacher Assistant Success Strategies Discussed in this Episode: ✅    Be a Translator: Act as a translator between the student and the world around them. ✅    Build Positive Bonds: Encourage healthy relationships and bonds with the student. ✅    Provide Familiarity: Serve as a consistent and familiar presence in the midst of change and unpredictability. ✅    Support, Not Replace: Enhance the work of the teacher, but do not replace their role as the primary instructor. ✅    Collaborate: Work together with the teacher as a team, focusing on the common goal of supporting the student. ✅    Tap into Creativity: Contribute creative ideas and approaches to support the student's learning and engagement. ✅    Facilitate Connections: Help facilitate positive social connections between the student and their peers. ✅    Empower Student...

Teachers Aide

Executive Functioning Skills for Neurodiverse Students: “Beyond just try harder” with guest Dean Beadle (Episode 275)

 Executive Functioning Skills for Neurodiverse students:  “Beyond just try harder” with guest Dean Beadle Executive Functioning Meaning And Strategies  Strategies for Executive FunctioningKey takeaways from this podcast for educators and parents to understand Executive Functioning: ✅ Executive Functioning - "The Brain's Admin Team" it includes planning, organization, emotional regulation,  pre-task preparation and management. ✅ Understanding Autistic Inertia. It includes difficulty shifting between tasks (start/stop). ✅  Understanding Autistic Inertia is not laziness or task avoidance. Learn more from Couse: Educators Guide to Executive Functioning. ✅"Autism plus environment equals outcome" and what you can to do to make environment more supportive (see Top Tips below) ✅  Focus on supporting rather than changing. Educators Guide to Executive Functioning include Exclusive Ebook with 100s of Accomodations & Adjustments to try. Enroll Now ✅  ”What's perfectly doable...

Celebrating Diversity in the Classroom with the Gift of Understanding (Episode 274)

Celebrating Diversity in The Classroom  With The Gift of Understanding Celebrating Diversity this Holiday SeasonWhat this Newsletter Contains ✅ 14 tips for Christmas / Holiday Season✅ Promoting Understanding✅ Using Picture Books to Educate the Whole Family✅ Sharing Diagnosis - Why, When and How to tell my Child✅ Holiday Reading✅ Using Cooking to Teach - Teaching Diversity through Food✅ 6 Key Strategies for Creating a Calming Area at School and Home✅ 12 Essential Tips for Concerts and End of Year Celebrations✅ Stocking Filler Ideas✅ Give the Gift of Visual Time - Using Timers to Minimise Stress Great ideas for Presents for Children with AutismThis is all about celebrating diversity this holiday season, with a focus on providing plenty of tips for end of year activities, such as concerts and big gatherings. In addition, the podcast will cover gifts for autistic children (and other neurodiversity), offering advice on how to choose sensory-friendly toys, books, and puzzles that will...

Celebrate Diversity

Time Management is Anxiety Management: Strategies for Neurodiverse Students (Episode 273)

  Time management = anxiety management STRATEGIES FOR STUDENTS WITH AUTISM, ADHD, PDA & ODD Time Management for Neurodiverse Students  Why is time management important in the classroom?Remember waiting for a taxi before ride-sharing apps, with no idea when it would arrive? That anxious feeling where one minute felt like an hour? For many neurodiverse students, this is their daily classroom experience. Without visual time markers, every activity becomes an uncertainty-filled waiting game. As an experienced educator who transitioned from mainstream to autism-specific education, I discovered that visual timers aren't just helpful tools – they're essential classroom accommodations. Think about it: we wouldn't expect adults to navigate a workday without time references, yet we often expect students to manage their day with just a basic timetable and verbal cues. Consider this real classroom scenario: A mathematics teacher sets a 10-minute timer for problem-solving. "Here's the...

Time Management is Anxiety Managment

Strategies For Teachers and Transitioning – Free to Download Plans (Episode 272)

Teaching Plan for Transitioning  Free Downloads Strategies for Teachers and Transitioning  Transitioning children with neurodiversity successfully is an important part of a child's education. Transitioning children with neurodiversity successfully is an important part of a child's education. With the right strategies for teachers and parents, children can transition from one school to another, or from preschool to school, with ease. Parents, teachers, and aides can work together to create a successful transition plan, using transition cheat sheets, self advocacy, and calming strategies. Knowing 10 things about the child, as well as any sensory issues, can help teachers create a supportive environment for the child. Here are five tips for teachers to help children transition successfully: 1. Create a transition plan with the help of parents, teachers, and aides.2. Use transition cheat sheets to provide key information about the child.3. Encourage self advocacy by having the...

strategies for teachers and transitioning

Transition Strategies For Neurodiverse Students – Free Ebook (Episode 271)

 Transition Strategies from Pre-School to Post-School FREE e-book transition strategies for neurodiverse studentsIt's starting to get to the end of 2024, and you might already be starting to think about how you will ease the transition for the children you know. Or if you are just coming out of learning from home and moving to in-person teaching, these transition tips will help reduce anxiety and stress! Transition can be big or small changes: it includes change in teacher, change in room, change in students in the class not just starting preschool, school, high school and beyond. The nature of autism is such that transition can be extremely stressful, no matter what age or how BIG or SMALL the change maybe. Changing Teacher is like…. Moving to a Foreign Country   For children with autism, moving to a new teacher, classroom or campus is like moving to foreign country. There is a different language (e.g. old teacher says ‘pack away’, new teacher says ‘clean up’). Teachers and...

Transitioning Strategies

Sensory Timers

  Neurodiverse students, especially those with autism or ADHD, often face challenges with time management, which can heighten anxiety in classroom settings. Time management is not just about tracking time; it also helps alleviate anxiety by providing structure. For many, uncertainty about how much time remains to complete a task or when an event will occur can lead to increased stress. Schools can help reduce this anxiety by offering clear, consistent access to time through digital clocks, timers, or visual schedules—tools proven to foster flexibility, reduce stress, and improve focus. Without such accommodations, students may frequently interrupt lessons, seeking reassurance about the time or what happens next. This is particularly problematic when phones, which some rely on for timekeeping, are banned in schools. By offering students tools like visible clocks, sensory timers, or scheduled visual aids, schools can help them manage their time more effectively. These adjustments...

Regulation of Emotion: A Teachers Guide (Episode 269)

Behaviour Solutions for Kids is a great way to help children with Autism, ADHD, ODD, and all other neurodiversity. By understanding behaviour and putting in place strategies to help children regulate their emotions, you can help them cope with meltdowns and shutdowns. Proactive and reactive strategies can be used to help children learn how to self-regulate and choose their battles. With the right tools and strategies, you can help children with behaviour issues find solutions that work for them. It's never too late to start helping children with behaviour issues, and the rewards are worth it.

Picture showing child having a problem regulating their emotionsl