Executive FUnctioning

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Sue Larkey PodcastThe One Thing I Wish I knew YEARS ago was the IMPORTANCE of executive functioning and HOW to improve it as it underpins everything from behaviour to social to engagement. Executive functioning refers to the part of your brain that organises, prioritises and regulates emotions. However, I prefer to refer to it as the ‘Air Traffic Control,’ as just like air traffic control has to manage thousands of planes on countless runways with perfect timing, students have to manage information and distractions.

Impaired Executive Function can impact significantly on children with autism spectrum disorder’s ability to learn and engage in busy learning environments.

Click below to read the comprehensive blog post about Executive function please go here:

Check out my other podcast on Executive Functioning:

  • Episode 89: Executive Functioning & Autism/ADHD – What is it? What to do?


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Autism and Everyday Executive Function

Outlining eight ‘Autism Access Points’, this book is a helpful guide to understanding, accessing and strengthening executive function skills in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Supportive and user-friendly, the ideas in this book provide a roadmap to developing essential organisational and planning skills.

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