Argh one of the number one questions that parents have and a very complex one!
This week for my podcast episode I interviewed Dean Beadle. Dean has toured the UK and internationally for fifteen years as an autistic speaker and trainer. He is also a proud promoter of the autistic voice, encouraging and empowering other autistic people to share their experiences and insights too.
In this episode Dean explains when he found out his diagnosis and his advice and guidance for parents who are wondering about when to disclose a diagnosis to their child.
In my interview with Dean we discuss
  • Autistic identity – follow Dean’s personal account of reclaiming his own identity
  • Why Dean doesn’t like the word “label” and why we should call it a diagnosis
  • The negative narrative which surrounds autism and how to positively reframe it
  • How to make children the solution to behaviour rather than blaming them
  • The impact of anxiety


In this MUST LISTEN episode Dean shares his own personal experiences and insights into autistic identity and how he has managed to reclaim his own identity. This is one of the most fascinating episodes to date and I absoultely loved recording it with Dean.
Listen to the episode NOW!


Don't want to listen to the podcast with Dean?

Recommended Resources about Autistic Identity

Best Books to Explain Autism/ADHD/Neurodiversity to Children

I recently asked on my Parent/Carer Support Facebook Group which picture books people were using at home and here are the results

Books written by Autistic Authors to Explain Autism

Books for Autistic Teenagers