What you will learn

  • Importance of Learning Through Play pg 2
  • Ideas  Support & Teach Play pg 3
  • 11 Common Signs of Sensory Processing Disorder or Difficulties pg 5
  • Top 10 Calming Activities & Top 10 Alerting Activities pg 6
  • Using Special Interests to Motivate & Engage Students pg 8
  • Puberty : Preparing for Success at Home & School pg 12
  • How to Recognise Slow Processing Speed pg 16
  • 25 + Top Tips to Support Kids with Slow Processing Speed pg 17 -18
  • My NEW Facebook Support group for Parent/Carers pg 8
  • ? Online Coures – Term 3 Courses OPEN soon pg 37
  • Dr Tony Attwood – 12 Tips to Create an ASD Friendly Classroom pg 22
  • Nighttime Toileting & Bedwetting – Ideas to Try pg 25
  • 16 Key Strategies for Sleep  pg 27
  • PODCAST – Most Popular Episodes & NEW Facebook Group for Podcast Listeners pg 29
  • 50/50 Learning & Behaviour Programs – What they are? What to do! pg 31
  • Join me for Term 3 Online Courses or a Face to Face Workshop near you  pg 27 & 38
  • Recommended Sensory Tools pg 36
  • Recommended Resources pg 33- 35
  • Online Accredited Courses – Term 3 Course starts August 12th  pg 33
  • Upcoming Workshops pg 34