Children on the autism spectrum often can struggle with processing verbal or written cues. This is why it can be so effective to use visuals when teaching students withΒ autism. Visuals include real objects, parts of objects or remnants (e.g. empty packet of sultanas), photographsΒ of the actual object, photographs of similar objects, drawings, computer generated symbols (e.g. Boardmaker, Pics for PECS) and written words.

Why Use Visuals When Teaching Students with Autism?

Up to 80% of families have their child’s (with autism spectrum disorder) hearing test first because ofΒ delays in language development and not responding to verbal cues. The hearing test normally showsΒ no problems, the issue is actually difficulty processing or understanding language.Β 

This is why visuals are very important to use with a child on the autism spectrum in everyday life to support verbal language.


Always couple visuals with speech.Β They are an aid to help you understand spoken language, not a substitute.Β 

Be eclectic.Β You do not need to only use one type of visual.

Always print the name of the visual,Β to ensure consistent language (does the student with autism say mug or cup) and to aid in long term literacy.

To be valuable visuals must beΒ accessible.Β Keep them near where you are likely to use themΒ e.g. sticking a finish symbol on the door frame in every room means one is alwaysΒ available

Wait! Like all communication you need toΒ allow theΒ childΒ time to process and point

Persevere.Β Your child may need many trials before they make the connection between the visual and the real object.

Speak to your speech therapist/pathologist about introducing your child to PECSΒ (Picture ExchangeΒ CommunicationΒ System)

Visuals will continue to be of value to your childΒ even after they have learnt to talk – they will be able to check back to them whenever unsure.

RememberΒ most people use visualsΒ – shopping lists, diaries, social scripts… are all visuals!

Remember:Β A picture is worth 1000 words