Jasper and the Magpie: Enjoying special interests together


Jasper and the Magpie captures the uniqueness of those on the autism spectrum and shows how valuing a child’s individuality, and working within his interests, can bring a richness to the whole family. I highly recommend this book to any child with a special interest, or anyone whose ‘special interest’ is wanting the best for their child. Author: Kathy Hoopmann, author of All Cats have Asperger Syndrome and Inside Asperger’s Looking Out

Dan Mayfield wrote a beautiful story about turning a child’s special interest into shared engagement. How to redefine a quirky interest into a strength to celebrate! A wonderful story for both parents and children to read together. Author: Bill Nason, M.S., mental health professional, author and blogger of the Austism Discussion Page (Facebook)

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Jasper really likes shiny metals…

He loves that when the sun shines
Electrons dance reflecting light.
This makes him feel safe and calm,
And helps him sleep at night.

This fun and thought-provoking rhyming storybook will delight anyone with a special interest and encourage readers to be more accepting of difference and unusual passions. The story will resonate particularly with children on the autism spectrum and their friends and family. For ages 6 and upwards.